[4.3] Seo Changbin

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I had dreamt the same scene over and over again, all night long: Yu-Jin's father lunging at her back, my reflexes making me step in front of him, my hands making contact with his chest, shoving him backward with restrained force so that he couldn't claim that I broke anything, the feeling of satisfaction when our eyes met as he flew away in shock, watching him slink away in defeat, and then—the moment that took my breath away—when she grabbed my face and kissed me. Every time the sequence started over, I looked forward to the ending more and more. Until I couldn't take it anymore and woke up, my mind reeling with questions.

I'd drawn boundaries long ago when it came to fans and people professing to want me. I'd also put blinders on in order to focus on my career, because one scandal would not just affect me but also the other 7 members of my group. So, I knew I needed to tread lightly, only allow flirting and feigned interest. Sure, I'd made some selfish choices in the past in the name of need, but it had been a very long time, especially since we've multiplied our following and successes since then.

But, this. This was new. Whatever this situation is was not even remotely on my purview. I had asked myself multiple times yesterday what I was doing wanting to get to know this woman. She's obviously several years older than me, and she has a son. Even if this continued to progress, I needed to consider what that could mean for Stray Kids and for JYPE if it would become public knowledge. Even our friendship—which I'm guessing is what this is—would have to stay secret for as long as possible. For now, though, I'd be able to enjoy spending time with her and Yu-Jin. I really liked that idea more than I wanted to admit.

I'd been lying there in bed for a good 20 minutes before my alarm went off to get up and get ready for work, debating on ordering food to be delivered or to cook dinner myself. After the guys had joked with me too often about not being a good cook, I didn't tell them that I took a few culinary classes when I had scheduled to go to the gym by myself. I'd been practicing at home when no one else was around and was actually comfortable in the kitchen now. There were several times that I had fed Han and Chan leftovers and they thought it was from one of the restaurants we've ordered from. That made me feel confident enough to keep trying. They still don't know that I had made it, and it's perfectly fine with me to stay quiet about it.

If I was to decide on cooking for Yu-Jin and Y/N, I knew I would need to pick something I'd done before. There's no way I would try a new recipe for them just in case it turned out horribly. Then again, I could pick out beforehand what I'd want delivered in its place if I tried and failed. I wanted for it to be comfortable and enjoyable for them, so I decided to risk it and cook something. There was always the possibility that they didn't have many home-cooked meals because of how she works, so this could be a nice change.

Oh, it was a change for me—possibly one I didn't know I needed.

I sighed heavily into my dark room and with a gruff question asked, "What the hell are you doing, Seo Changbin? Get up and go to work."

The whole time at the company building, I tried my best to focus and not let the planning in my head distract me too much. I tried, honest. Unsuccessfully.

"Bin?" Bang Chan asked for my attention.

I shook myself from my thoughts, my fingertips running against my lips as I replayed the memory of last night's kiss. I dropped my hand with a thud to the edge of the couch opposite the sound desk in Chan's office. "Yeah?"

"That's the fourth time I said your name. What are you thinking about?" Chan had spun around in his desk chair to face me.

I debated on telling him about Y/N and Yu-Jin since he had his own situation currently under the public radar. It took me a second to decide to not say anything yet, and I could tell he was getting impatient. "Sorry. I've got some business to take care of after I leave. I need to not worry about it. What were you asking me?"

He eyed me suspiciously, drawing in a slow breath before moving on. "The syncopation of Felix's line in the hook is making it sound like he's thinking faster than he can speak. We need to adjust that somehow."

I nodded, giving him my full attention. "Play it back again? He just may need to find a better place to breathe."

Chan pressed play and I lost myself in the music all over again.

My knees were bouncing a mile a minute in the backseat of the rideshare I'd ordered after grabbing some last minute grocery items on my way back home from the company. I didn't know why this made me nervous, why she made me so nervous. I had a couple hours to make the meal and relax before they were supposed to arrive. Once I'd been dropped off, I brought my bags inside and locked the door behind me. My arms were full but I made a mental note to tidy up the space right inside the door where our shoes go. I needed to make sure they had room for theirs and a couple pair of extra slides. I set the bags on the countertop and began to unpack them, setting the small bouquet of wildflowers to the side for Y/N.

"Flowers. Make sure to buy some flowers for her before you leave the market," my mother added at the end of our convo when I called her earlier to ask her about the marinade she makes for her bulgogi. Mine had never quite come out like hers, and I wanted those flavors tonight for dinner. So, I followed her advice and picked out a simple but colorful mix of flowers while I was at the market.

I unloaded the bags and made work of prepping everything to cook. Before I knew it, I was nearly finished when I heard the knock at my door. I shuffled quickly to answer it. Yu-Jin burst through the doorway first, followed by the a tentative Y/N in casual clothes. She looked shy, and I couldn't help but grin at how adorable that was.

"I'm almost done. Make yourself at home!" I smiled and turned to walk back into the kitchen just in time to cover the blush that flooded my face after her eyes caught mine and I saw her steal a glance at my lips before meeting my eyes again. Everything in me warmed in that instant. I needed to get back to the cooking food before I lost focus and ruined it.

"Calm down, Seo Changbin." I mumbled under my breath to no one but myself.

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