New pov- f whip 

F whip was.... Confused, to say the least. Earlier he'd got a message from another admin, maybe a bit more powerful, but owner of a similar server, saying to be on the lookout for a dangerous criminal. Then he had heard there was yet another person who had crash landed from nowhere. Now, no one could find Scott and Joel, one of the newbies, said he needed to talk to him. What could be wor- 


Sighing slightly, f whip glanced at his com, to be met with what he was not expecting. 

<smajor fell out of the world.> 

What sort of death message was that? Usually that one only came about when he was fiddling with commands, and he always tried to avoid it because it was hard to... 


Could- would- can you respawn if-  

Was- is- he gone? 

Another buzz, this time a private message. Still getting to grips with the death, he read it- 

<I'm coming now> 


He had completely forgotten his meeting meeting with the quote unquote god, who had said he had something important to say. 

(this was written with doomsday playing. ) 

Biting his lip, he typed a response. 

<I'm sorry, but I will have to find out the circumstances surrounding Scott's death first. I will be able to see you in a bit.> Suprisingly, he got a response almost immediately. 

<it's about Scott> 


Had f whip been an idiot? If he had let Joel speak to him earlier, then maybe.. maybe... He fought a mental battle as he replied. 

<if it's important> 

Joel confirmed he was coming. A few long minutes later, there was a crash from above. For a quote unquote god, he hadn't really got the hang of flying yet. The admin guessed it was new to him, as he had heard of some worlds where elytra was either forbidden, or there was no end outright. (cough cough dsmp cough cough), so there was no flying. (if you were wondering, lil has  no end.), so it did sort of make sense. But that just made him more and more curious about what, where, how and especially why. 

His brains monologue was cut off by the figure finally landing next to him, and a dishevelled young man with a green steak in his chocolate brown hair. He sat down, and, heaving and lost for breath, he told him.. 


From when he met his cousin to the shenanigans with the lifesaver; everything. 

An hour later, f whip took out his com and typed a message- 

<X, I've got your man> 

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