Chapter 14

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Sang's POV

My face is so tightly pressed against his chest, I can barely mumble out, "Hello, North Star." His arms tighten even more for a minute before loosening up and I feel a hand on my chin as he pulls my face up to meet his. I'm shocked to see his eyes glistening and I feel mine water to match before he pulls me tight again.

"Oy, asshole! Let someone else fucking say hello!"

I giggle as I hear North grunt above me. I'm pulled away but it only takes a second for Gabriel's face to be pressed into my neck and I hear a soft sob. That's all it takes to get the tears to start leaking from my eyes too as I wrap my arms around his waist. I feel someone press up against my back and take up the other side of my neck. Smelling vanilla, I know Luke was holding me from behind. "Hello, Meanie, Luke." Gabriel shudders against me so I move my hand up and down his back soothingly. He leans back and puts his hands on both sides of my face.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Trouble," he says, putting his forehead against mine. "I've missed you so damn much."

"I've missed you too, Meanie," I reply with emotion. "Oh my god, your hair's not blonde!"

He laughs and Luke snickers behind me. "I grew out of that phase a few years ago. Do you like it?" He steps back and runs his hands through the still longish russet strands nervously.

"You look great, I love it," I say while brushing my right hand through it. He grins back at me.

I'm spun around and Luke's holding me by the shoulders. "What about my hair, Cupcake?" I can't help but laugh as it is exactly the same, long and blonde. I'm taken aback by his face though. Luke has always been gorgeous, they all are, but he definitely doesn't look like a teenager anymore. His cheekbones seem even sharper than before and he has a soft blonde stubble as if he hadn't shaved for a day or two. He's breathtaking.

"You're beautiful, gorgeous," I say with a smile. He grins back before grabbing me for a proper hug.

I hear a throat clearing behind me, and I turn to look into fire eyes. Luke releases me as Victor reaches for my hand to pull me close. "Princess," he says simply, sighing into my shoulder. Taking a few deep breaths, he pulls away to stare at me. He's also shed the last of his adolescence. He appears taller and even a bit bulkier than he was as a teen. The eyes, though, are exactly the same and they're burning. I find myself staring into them, unable to look away for a moment.

I feel a soft touch on my shoulder, finally pulling my eyes away from Victor's, and I freeze when I see him. My first friend, the one who saved me the night that Max tackled me and changed my life forever. My hand flies to my mouth as I let out a harsh sob, and then he's holding me. "Shhh, it's ok. I've got you. I've missed you so much, Sang," he says and that just makes me cry harder.

"Kota," I breathe against him, smelling his spicy scent. I sniffle a few more times before pulling away. I look around while wiping at my wet face and then a handkerchief appears in front of me. I take it and smile, turning to look at Owen. I'm a bit shocked when I see his face though. Gone is the relaxed man from last night and instead an emotionless stare meets mine. I'm shocked, to say the least, and barely whisper out a thank you.

Looking back at the others, I smile again. It's incredible to have them here in front of me. "Where are Nathan, Silas, and Dr. Green?" I ask.

"They couldn't make it," Owen says, sharply.

"Oh," I try to hide my disappointment. They're all staring at me and I could feel tension building in the air.

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