Chapter 30

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A/N: Wow, Chapter 30 and over 50,000 words. When I decided to write this story down, I never expected it to take on the life it has. I thought it would be no more than 10 chapters based on what was in my head! As we begin to wind down, I want to say thank you for your continued support! I love seeing stars and comments in my notification screen. I need to give an especially huge thank you to the ladies and gent on the FB forum for your amazing stories, pictures, advice, and daily laughs! You've helped this fledgling writer through so much and I love you all for it! Now, back to the story...

I lay there for a long time trying to figure out what happened. Hearing him say that, imply that I would ever behave that way, was unbelievably hurtful. Does he really think that's the type of person I am? Maybe it was a mistake to come here, to think that I could do anything to help. I consider packing my bag and heading back to Charleston. I'll debrief the guys on what happened, leaving out the end, and then go on my way.

It's not long before I hear footsteps in the hallway. I hold my breath as I hear him pause outside my door for a while, but then I hear his door open and close softly. I roll over and close my eyes, deciding to leave the decision on what to do until tomorrow.


I wake up with a start, sitting up. It's very dark outside. Lighting up my phone from its place on the night stand, I see it's almost one in the morning. Unsure what had awoken me, I stretch and realize I'm uncomfortable from laying in the jeans I had worn today. I get up and change into pj's then go in to the bathroom to brush my teeth before heading back to bed.

I'm halfway under the covers when I hear a noise. I climb back out and walk over to the door, placing my ear against it to see if I hear anything else. It is quiet a moment but then I hear it again, an almost tortured sound. I open the door and peek into the hallway but it's empty. Now that I'm out here, though, I can hear Owen tossing and turning in bed.

I tiptoe across the hallway and try his door. It's unlocked and I slip inside to walk over to his bed. He cries out in his sleep and I only hesitate for a second before I slide in next to him. He's held me through my nightmares and it's time to return the favor. I can't pick him up so instead I put my arm under his head to pull him close and cradle him against me. I run my fingers through his hair then up and down his back while whispering soothing words. "It's ok, Owen. You're safe. I'm here, I've got you. Shhh, you're ok."

Eventually he settles. I'm about to head back to my room when his arms come around me and hold tightly. One of his legs comes over mine and I find myself enveloped by him. I had no idea that Owen snuggles like an octopus. I can't help but feel safe and warm in his hold so I decide it wouldn't hurt to stay here for a few more minutes, telling myself it's to keep him from having another nightmare and not for selfish reasons of my own. I'm about to drift off to sleep when his arms squeeze even tighter for a second and I hear his voice on a whispered sigh. "I love you, Sang."

I freeze while his breathing deepens and evens out. I have waited years to hear those words from his lips and now he does it while he's asleep. I'm torn between being elated and frustrated at the same time. I have to exercise all my will power to keep myself from shaking him awake to force him into saying it again, to make sure it's real.

I pull back slightly to look at his face, the moonlight coming in through the window illuminating the sharp lines of his jaw and cheekbone. Without his glasses, he looks younger, less formal and more approachable. I make a decision on how tomorrow is going to play out. I'm still incredibly angry at him for the comment he made so I will be expecting a fair amount of groveling, but after that it's time to take matters into my own hands.

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