Chapter 24

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Important A/N: I promise this will be the last chapter related to human trafficking. That being said and knowing the situation, it was impossible to write this chapter without darkness and some violence. I tried to keep it to a minimum, but reader discretion is advised. I'd appreciate if you could let me know in the comments what you think and whether any parts should be toned down or removed altogether. Thank you for your continued support!

Sang's POV

Adams and Maddie had finished getting me ready, blow drying my hair into soft waves and applying smoky eye shadow, which looked ridiculous with all the bumps and bruises. When they lead me back out to the warehouse section, I'm stunned by the transformation. In the center of the space is an old fashioned looking iron rail bed with a pretty blue and gray patchwork quilt on it. A wooden night stand with a small lamp is sitting next to it. I can't understand why someone had decided to transplant a bedroom into the middle of the space. I'm also surprised by the increase in security. There are five men in dark suits posted around the room, each with a pistol holstered at their waist.

I'm led over to the bedroom set and I pause when I'm close enough to get a better look. The quilt on the bed is covered in rust colored stains. I look up at Adams by my side but he's no longer meeting my eyes. As soon as Bennett joins us, Adams takes Maddie by the elbow to move her away but I see his shoulders flinch when Bennett stops him.

"Have her ready for me tonight."

Adams doesn't turn as he responds. "The usual?"

"I want her in my red room. I think this one will leave me wanting more," Bennett says with a sneer at me. I can't see any discernable reaction from Maddie and my heart aches for her and what she has gone through. As much as the situation I'm in terrifies me, I feel justified that I have done what I could to get others out before they could become like her. If things turn out poorly for me tonight, I only hope that the other teams will continue fighting against these horrible people.

Bennett takes my arm in another bruising grip. "Are you excited, Blondie? I am, it's been a while since I got to put on a show. I'd be happier if this one was unscripted but the boss has been pretty specific on what he wants to have happen," he says as he draws out a pair of leather cuffs from his back pocket.

At the sight, I try tugging away from him, still feeling weak. "Stop! Please don't do this!"

I feel an iron grip from behind, one of the security personnel holding me in place, and Bennett quickly fits the cuffs on my wrists. I'm fighting in earnest, kicking out and trying to elbow the man holding me, but he picks me up and carries me to stand in front of the bed. It is then that I notice a chain hanging down from one of the rafters on the ceiling. It's this that the cuffs are attached to, leaving my arms stretched above me. Bennett makes a slow circle around me. "Yes, this will do nicely."

The boss comes into the room. "Is everything ready?"

"What does it look like?" Bennett retorts, seeming annoyed at being interrupted.

"Don't talk back to me, Tom. I could get someone else to perform tonight if you're not feeling up to it."

Bennett's eyes rove over me. "Oh, I'm up for it." He comes closer to me and I take the opportunity to spit in his face. Wiping it off of his cheek slowly, his eyes become so dark that I shrink back in fear. Once his face is clean, he smiles before slugging me right in the stomach. My breath lets out in a whoosh and I want to double over in pain but the bindings won't allow it.

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