Chapter 21

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North's POV

                The Academy hospital has guest suites for visiting doctors or teams to stay in if one of their members are injured. Doc requisitions one of them for our use while we look for Sang, so Silas and I drop off his wife to keep her safe. Kota's wife and Nathan's fiancé are already there along with Doc's family. I begin to feel guilty. I haven't contacted Mariska for two days...I had hardly even thought about her. Not after I opened the door and saw Sang waiting there, looking more beautiful than anyone has the right to.

                I know it's not fair of me. I love Mariska, I do. It's just that I haven't been able to get those green eyes and blonde hair out of my head since Sang was ripped out of my life all those years ago. It had torn me apart when she left. I had even tried looking for her a few times, but if the Academy doesn't want someone found they are very good at hiding them.

                When she didn't come back, I turned to alcohol to help me cope with the heartache and the rage. I had wanted to kill Mr. B when he came back through the door without her, and if Silas and Nathan hadn't pulled me off, I might have killed him.

                The thing is, nobody has ever understood my feelings on this. When he had said that she didn't care about us, I KNEW better. They all should have known better! I watched her more than anyone else in the family and someone like her, so innocent and sweet, couldn't have faked her affection for so long. Even that last afternoon with her riding in my Jeep as we went over to that fucking family meeting from hell, she had been so excited to be included that she could hardly sit still. She loved us, one way or another, I had no doubts about that.

                What had torn me up, what still fucked with my mind, was that something must have hurt or scared her so much that she felt that she had no other choice but to leave us. Something was said in that room that made her cut and run. She should have never been able to make such a life altering decision to run away when she was emotionally compromised. That's what had incited my anger, why I had never really forgiven Mr. B. While everyone else was having a break down over the news, I had gone quiet and just watched him. There was pain in his eyes, of course, but something else...something that looked suspiciously like guilt.

                Last night I knew a confession was coming, that after all these years I would find out what had happened to scare her off like that. The drugs had me too fucked up to pursue it and right now getting Sang back was our top priority so I had let it go, but I wouldn't let him stay quiet this time.

                We pull up to Victor's house for the meeting just before 9 am. I can see the other cars already in the driveway. They better have news.


Victor's POV

                My jaw cracks in a yawn and I rub my bleary eyes with my knuckles. I've been up for over 24 hours and it has been both emotionally and physically exhausting. I had been elated to see Sang again only to watch as she was ripped away from us shortly after.

                Corey and I have been working through the night trying to trace her possible locations. We were finally able to track the SUV to its exit from the highway but we were unable to find more cameras to follow it from there. There is a big industrial park in that location and five of the warehouses there are owned by Zanna Shipping. I'd just printed out the list as the rest of the team arrives, cars pulling into the drive for the family meeting.

                Mr. B comes out from down the hall looking freshly showered although he had put back on his wrinkled suit. Brandon stands up from the couch and goes to shake Corey awake from where he is slumped over in his desk chair, telling him that he needs to get some real sleep to be prepared for later. They take off just as the rest of our team comes through the door, North and Silas the last to straggle in. Everyone takes whatever seat is available, Gabe and Luke slouching down on the floor, except Doc who just goes over and leans up against the wall next to the couch.

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