Chapter 17

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Sang's POV

                Don't panic. Maybe it's just a regular cab that had pulled up to get a customer and I was dumb enough to get in without looking. My observation skills are stellar, obviously. If it is just a regular cab though, where is he going? I haven't given him directions and he hasn't asked. Still worth checking though. "Excuse me, can you just pull over here and drop me off please?"

                No response. Ok, so not a normal cab then. This is good though, it's what was supposed to happen. Now I just need to try to control my heartbeat and breathing. And my fear. Definitely need to get control of that. Remember my training. Assess the situation. The guy in the front was obviously chosen because at a glance he can pass as North. He's big with dark hair. Both hands are on the wheel so he's not holding a weapon currently. I need to get him talking so we get some viable evidence. So far a quiet cab driver isn't enough to prove anything.

                Moments later, the cab does pull over. Maybe I was wrong, he just needed to wait for a good place to stop. I try to get out but the door is child locked, preventing me from opening it. I turn towards the driver just as the door behind him opens and in slides Tom Bennett. The cab moves forward once his door closes. My jaw drops down and my eyes widen when he turns towards me with a gun in his hand. "Hello, blondie. Imagine seeing you here. Mind sharing the cab, seeing how we're going the same direction?" he says with a smirk.

                I decide to play the dumb blonde from the night before. I give him a shy smile and with a shaky voice I ask, "Mr. Bennett? What's going on? Why do you have a gun?" At least now the guys listening will know who is in the cab with me and that he's armed. If I can get him to confess, we'll have what we need to put these guys away.

                I'm shocked when he starts laughing, causing his oversized gut to shake. He stops suddenly and then looks over me with a leer. "Oh blondie, what fun we're going to have tonight. Now, take off your dress."

                "What??? No! Are you joking?" This time I don't have to fake the shakiness in my voice.

                I hear a bunch of honking from behind, and when I glance through the back window, I see a gray BMW, a black jeep, and a white van speeding in our direction. Looks like the cavalry is coming. I've never been happier to see them. Just as I think that, though, two black SUVs swerve out from the side road, effectively cutting off the pursuit.

                "Sorry, I'm afraid that those Academy boys aren't going to be able to help you," Bennett says, drawing my attention back to him. Oh god, he knows about the Academy. He leans forward, placing the gun against my temple. "Take off the dress. Now."

                The cold metal causes my fingers to shake as I stare into his eyes. His crazy eyes. Why didn't I see this last night? I'd been so focused on James that I completely missed how terrifying Bennett's eyes are. "Please don't do this. Just let me go. I don't understand what's going on," I say with fear causing my eyes to water.

                "Look, we can do this one of two ways. Option one: you do what I'm telling you and take that dress off. I know you're wearing a tracking device and that just won't do. Option two: I cut the dress off of you and remove it myself. I'm really hoping you choose option two. Keep in mind though, we're on a bit of a schedule. You see, your meat head cabby of a boyfriend is in the trunk. He's been injected with chloral hydrate, and I'm afraid that it was a rather large dose. Your friends should be able to save him if they can get to the cab quickly enough. Of course, right now they're currently facing several high powered rifles. Your choice though," he says, then starts humming the theme song from Jeopardy.

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