Chapter 5. The Unexpected

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(Naruto's Universe)

-The Island-

The silhouette of the beast and its tails is vague because of the shadows of the mountain towers over it, but its eye pierces through the darkness. The beast lowered its right hand and dug one of its claws into the ground, channeled its demonic chakra and retracted the claw.

Moments passed until the chakra exploded from the hole, disappearing from the Ten Tail's sight. A few minutes later, the energy returned to the hole with someone supporting itself on one knee and its head facing down as if it was bowing before the demon. The body resembled an old man as his skin was frail and his hair was white.

The Ten Tails chuckled as it told its follower to rise as the latter did. His body was surrounded by black chakra as a result from the Ten Tails' chakra. The chakra was configuring the figure's body as it was restoring its youth. A few moments later, the chakra disappeared revealing the follower. The man was tall, had brown hair, wearing arm bracers with spikes and the gloves were the same. He also sported a flak jacket similar to the Hidden Leaf's and a forehead protector with the kanji 'Ten Tails.' His eyes were closed until he opened them, revealing no pupils, all black and the man was flexing his hands as if he felt stronger and looked up at his new master.

"Henchman, I have a job for you to accomplish and you will not fail," said the Ten Tails with a menacing grin on its face.

(HSD Universe)

-With the Group-

The group was in their new vehicle, courtesy of Shizuka's friend, as they were crossing the river to get to the other side. The busty doctor was driving the Humvee with Saya in the passenger seat and Rei, Takashi, Naruto and Saeko in the back with Kotha poking his head out of the hole on the roof with Alice, keeping watch.

The blonde jinchuriki was sleeping along with the dog sleeping on his lap as well Saeko was sleeping against his left shoulder. Rei and Takashi were sleeping with the former leaning against the latter's right shoulder until she heard Saya chewing out Kohta for teaching Alice an inappropriate song before returning to the car seat.

The slender martial artist looked at her childhood friend, and blushed as she watches him. Then she looked at Naruto and Saeko sleeping together with the former snoring and the latter drooling on the boy's jacket, prompting Rei to wake Takashi in a teasing way. She pulled the boy's cheek and let it go, slapping the leader out of his sleep.

"OW! Rei, why'd you do that?" asked Takashi rubbing his cheek. Rei turned his head to Naruto and Saeko and both were out of it. "They'd make a nice couple, don't you think?" Rei agreed as she stared Takashi before waking the blonde ninja in the same manner she did to her friend.

"OW! Okay, who's the wise guy that did that?" asked Naruto rubbing his cheek. He saw Rei with a smirk on her face and a tick mark appeared on his head. "You're the one who did it?"

"Must be nice, huh?" asked Rei teasingly, confusing the ninja.

"Huh?" Naruto looked to his left shoulder to find a drooling Saeko sleeping on him and a blush appeared on his face. Soon the woman woke up groggily and was confused until she found herself leaning close to Naruto and a blush appeared on her face as well. The duo stared at each other for a few minutes until they simultaneously looked away from each other. "G-Good Morning, Saeko."

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