Chapter 6. Return of the Demon

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(HSD Universe)

-(Morning)-Takagi Estate-

A day has passed since Naruto brought a new group of survivors; three of them are Rei's and Takashi's parents, much to the teenagers' happiness. The blonde ninja spend his morning on training in a secluded location that was not far from the mansion's estate, making sure no one see him using his abilities. After the training, he spent the rest of the day with Saeko that made him feel happy when he's near her and the same could be said about the purple hair girl when she's near him.

The boy laid on his back on top of his new bed with his black shirt and jeans on inside of his new room, staring at the ceiling. His orange jacket was hanging on the chair that was across from his bed with his watch, hip pouch sitting on top of it and Tenkaichi leaning perfectly against it. He was thinking about what Mizuki said about the time difference between the worlds and decided to have a chat with his partner, so the blonde got into a lotus position and closed his eyes as he meditates to enter his subconscious.

-Naruto's Mindscape-

The young Uzumaki appeared in front of the new cave/home of his partner. He looked around at the improved vast land that he created and nodded to him-self for his imagination. Moments later, the towering fox exited out of his new home with his shadow looming over his human partner/jinchuriki, staring at him.

"So..."said Kurama breaking the silence.

"So..." said Naruto putting his hands in his pockets, "What are we going to do, now that the Ten Tails are sending his goons for us?"

Kurama growled a little, "I don't think that weak Mizuki was sent here for us."

Naruto raised a brow. "What do you mean that he wasn't sent here for us? He clearly proved that by calling me you by your old name." He crossed his arms as he tries to process the fox's statement, then sat cross-legged on the ground.

"I think that he was sent here for either reconnaissance or... he was looking for something, but what I don't know. Unless..." pondered Kurama putting his right index finger and thumbs as he thinks every possible theory.

After a few moments, both Naruto and Kurama realized the theory with the former stood up quickly. "THE KEYS/THE KEYS!" The duo blinked owlishly a few times as silence suddenly appeared around them.

"So you think the Ten Tails knows about the keys as well, huh" said Naruto in the form of a question, receiving a nod from his tall partner.

"Apparently, you think so too. But we should make sure we're correct on this," said the Tailed Beast laying his body on the ground, resting his head on his arms.

Naruto nodded in agreement. "And to do that, we need to capture the next guy the Ten Tails sends...after we beat him, plus I'm hoping the guy is stronger than Mizuki because he was weak that he had to resort to the Ten Tails' chakra just to gain an advantage over me." He heard the fox chuckled, irritating the boy a little, "What's so funny?"

"Just your hunger for battling against equal or stronger enemies, it amuses me," replied the fox, grinning to ear to ear. His jinchuriki huffed and crossed his arms while looking away.

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