Chapter 7. The Sage vs The Demon

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"YYYAAAHHH!" shouted Naruto as he swung Tenkaichi horizontally to counter a overhead strike from Zabuza, creating sparks between the blades. Both warriors disappeared from sight with sounds of metal clashing echoed through the new battleground as well sparks appeared from different areas in the yard, signifying the two shinobi's brief locations.

Both Naruto and Zabuza reappeared close to the gates with the former swinging his black sword upward with two hands while the latter brings his massive sword over his head for another overhead strike in a double-handed grip too. A small shockwave occurred from their deadlock between their respective blades. "I'm glad that you've learned Kenjutsu. It makes my mission more fun," said Zabuza pushing back. "More fun than I thought!"

"So am I," said Naruto as he continues the deadlock against Zabuza and pushed back the latter and put some distance between him-self and his opponent. "All right, his strength and speed clearly rivals my own." The blonde Uzumaki smirked as he tightened his grip on Tenkaichi, "I'm going to enjoy this as long as I can!"

Naruto and Zabuza started another death stare contest as the rain continues pouring from the dark clouds above them, creating a number of water puddles around the two ninja. Then Naruto heard a chuckle from his opposing swordsman. "What amuses you, Zabuza?"

"Well," Zabuza resting his blade on top of his right shoulder, "From what you displayed with your sword just now, you would've made a fine ally and challenge to the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist." As the former mercenary said that, water from a puddle behind Naruto started to ripple until it took a familiar shape of a certain Mist ninja and was also armed with the same large sword as the original.

Naruto then held his black sword in front of him in a diagonal position to prepare his next attack and was about to charge until he heard a distinct metal clang and sensed malice behind him and spun around to block a diagonal swing from a duplicate of his enemy. "A Water Clone! But he didn't make a hand-sign which means-" He stopped his thinking when he sensed malice from behind him and quickly removed his left hand from Tenkaichi's hilt, sprung a kunai from his sleeve in a reverse grip and caught a strike from the original Zabuza.

The ground below Naruto and the two Zabuzas started to crumble from the exerted force. "He caught both of our strikes without looking?" thought Zabuza as he and his clone continue pushing Naruto's sword and kunai back, causing the latter to feel the strength and force from both of his opponent and clone.

Naruto held his ground until he felt his feet sinking into the wet ground. He was about to jump and split kick the two Zabuzas when he saw another Water Clone of Zabuza appeared in front of him and gave a quick glance over his shoulder to see a third Water Clone behind him as well. "Fantastic," thought Naruto sarcastically as he was still holding the original and the water clone at bay until he sensed the Water Clone charged at him and assumed the clone behind him is charging towards him too.

"Okay then. Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" shouted Naruto as he released the technique. He wasn't by the shocked expression of the original Zabuza as the latter and his clones were blown around the strong gust of wind emitted from the blonde's body.

The water clones dispersed into water by the force of the technique, but Zabuza recovered mid-air and landed near to the gates before pointing his large sword at his blonde opponent. "Well, well, well. You know Wind Style Ninjutsu. You obviously underwent elemental training during the really have gotten stronger since the last time we met. Not to mention that you didn't use hand-signs to execute the technique, so I'm guessing you have complete mastery over your elemental chakra." He saw a smirk on Naruto's face and took that as a yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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