A/N: Possible rewrite?

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Im honestly conflicted at the moment. I just recently started watching Haikyuu again within the past couple of weeks. The anime and manga used to be my favorite and I would honestly watch it over and over and over again as it was something that would calm me down and helped get through the pandemic.
But back to being conflicted and the title of this author's note, I have been thinking of possible rewriting this fanfic and finishing it. But the reason I'm conflicted is because of this fanfic holding so many memories. As listed in the previous author's note, this story was created when a group chat of mine on Twitter (or X) had decided on making Haikyuu fanfics. This was the one I made. That gc is no longer active and I haven't talked to some of them in years but this fanfic holds comments from people in that gc.

If I were to rewrite this fanfic (would be a separate book on Wattpad), would anyone be interested? Or should I start writing different stories and leave this book in the past?

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