Chapter 2

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     The clock on the bedside table read 3:38 am when the black and white haired male shot up as he entered into a coughing fit. He turned his head to glance at the alarm clock before reaching over towards the water bottle sitting next to it, only the bottle was: empty. His shoulders dropped slightly in defeat as he swung his legs off of his bed and slid on his slippers as he stood up. He went to stretch his muscles but quickly brought his arm up to cover his mouth, almost hitting himself in the face, as he started coughing again.
     Trying to hold back his coughing so he doesn't wake anyone up, Bokuto slowly walked towards the kitchen to get some water, hoping that would help his coughing. Turning on the faucet, he filled up his water bottle before bringing the rim of the bottle to his lips as he took a drink while turning off the running faucet. After a few gulps, he took the bottle away from his lips and filled it back up. A small sigh of relief escaped his lips as his coughing fit finally calmed down and he would be able to go back to sleep. He turned on his heels and creeped back into his room, the only sounds being his slippers against the hardwood floor, his door being opened and closed, and a faint squeak coming from his bed as he sat down. He gently rested his water bottle on the bedside table before slipping his slippers off, sliding into bed, and falling asleep almost instantly.

     It was about an hour before his alarm was set to go off when Bokuto woke up once again due to another coughing fit. He reached for his water, quickly gulping it down but it didn't help his coughing, at all.
     His mother was standing on the other side of the door, worried about her son since he's been coughing non-stop. "Koutaro?" She called out with a small knock. The said male looked towards the door, still in the middle of a coughing fit, as the door opened to reveal his mother. "You're up early, are you alright?" She asked even though her own son was coughing nonstop. Her son shook his head, signalling he wasn't okay since he couldn't stop coughing. A small sigh escaped her lips as he pulled her phone out of her pocket. "I'll make an appointment with your doctor but you'll have to miss practice." The black and white haired male's shoulders dropped at his mother's words. He has never missed practice unless he was absolutely sick and hardly was able to get out of bed, so why did he have to miss practice this time? He was perfectly fine minus coughing non-stop. Slowly bringing his water bottle back up to his lips, he took a few more gulps of water, his coughing fit finally coming to an end.
     "But I don't want to miss practice," he said with a small whine, causing his mom to sigh.
     "We're not going to argue about this, you need to see the doctor to make sure it's not some illness." His mother replied before bringing her phone up to her ear as he spoke to the doctor's office. Bokuto pouted slightly as he stood up, grabbing his uniform, and leaving his mother to arrange his appointment as he went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

     Bokuto and his mother were sitting in the empty waiting room, waiting to be called into the back. He was fiddling around with his fingers, his mind set on how practice could have been going without him there. However, his train of thoughts was distrubed when a nurse called his name, "Bokuto Koutaro?" His mother stood up before he followed in suit, following the nurse into the back, where he got his height and weight measured as well as his vital signs. "The doctor will be right in to see you," they said with a small smile before leaving the mother and son alone in the small room.


     Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows as he entered the gym. The black and white haired ace was nowhere to be found which wasn't normal. "Where's Bokuto-san?" He spoke up but everyone just shrugged in reply causing him to sigh. "It's not normal for him to miss practice," he checked his pockets for his phone before remembering he left it in the club room. "I'm gonna go ask him," he announced as he turned on his heels and made his back to the club room. Unzipping one of the pockets on his back, he pulled out his phone, quickly unlocking it before searching for Bokuto's contact.

Akaashi: Bokuto-san?


Akaashi: Where are you? It's not normal

for you to miss practice.

Bokuto: mom made me miss

practice for a doctors appointment 😞

Akaashi: You're not dying right?

Bokuto: nope!

Akaashi: Good, I gotta get back to practice

now, goodluck Bokuto-san

Akaashi: I might come to visit |

Akaashi: I might come |

Akaashi: |

     He was planning on visiting the older male in case he ended up having to stay home to make sure he was alright. Once Akaashi deleted his message, he put his phone back into his bag and zipped the pocket back up. Once he returned to the gym, he joined in warm ups before practice began with different drills from receives to spikes.

     Bokuto ended up not showing up at school at all causing the team to get worried about the ace. "I'll go visit Bokuto-san to make sure he's alright." Akaashi spoke as he finished getting changed after practice.
     Konoha's face fell slightly but nodded nonetheless, "you know you don't have to worry about him all the time Akaashi."
     "I know Konoha-san, just it's not normal for him to miss practice let alone school as well." Akaashi's words caused the blonde to frown and turn to walk away, not wanting anyone, especially Akaashi, knowing that the setter's words had made him upset. Everyone glanced between the setter and the outside hitter but shrugged it off before returning to what they were doing.

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