Chapter 3

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     Konoha skipped morning practice, not wanting to face Bokuto or Akaashi just yet after yesterday. He entered the main building, his hands in his pockets of his blazer, only taking them out when he greeted teachers. His gaze was focused on the floor, occasionally looking up to look where he was going. Someone coughing caught his attention causing his gaze to shift from the floor towards the said person. It was no one other than Bokuto, who looked like he hardly got any sleep with the bags under his eyes. Konoha bit his bottom lip before averting his gaze as he walked past the black and white haired male to his first class of the day. 

     It was about lunch time when one of the two decided to approach the blonde in the cafeteria. “Konoha-san,” just from the suffix and their voice, he automatically knew it was the black haired setter. The male sat his tray of food down on the table before sitting across from the outsider hitter, getting a small sigh from him.
     “Why don’t you just go eat lunch with Bokuto-san?” Konoha asked, averting his eyes away from Akaashi and back down at his tray.
     The younger male’s lips curled into a frown at the older male’s words, “but I wanted to eat lunch with you.” He spoke in a whisper, inaudible to the blonde.
    “What was that?” He asked looking back up again.
     “I said that I didn’t want to eat lunch with him,” the black haired male changed his words, not wanting the blonde to know that he really wanted to eat lunch with him. “Anyways, why did you miss practice this morning?”
    Those words caused Konoha to freeze, ‘how do i tell him without really telling him?’ “I was running kind of late this morning,” he quickly said, almost too quickly. Akaashi raised an eyebrow in suspicion but decided to not push the topic any further so he nodded and started to eat his food in silence. 
     After a few minutes of silence, the only sounds between the two was from them eating, Shirofuku and Suzumeda joined them at the table for a short conversation. “Have you guys heard about Komi’s party tomorrow?” Shirofuku asked, resting her chin in her hand with her elbow on the table.
     “I’ll definitely be there,” Konoha said with a small smile.
     Akaashi covered his mouth with his hand as he finished chewing and swallowed, “this is the first I’ve heard about it.” Konoha nodded his head in agreement. “Parties aren’t really my thing though…..” His voice trailed off as he averted his eyes.
     The setter’s words brought a small frown upon the outside hitter’s face that didn’t go unnoticed. Konoha kind of sees the party as a way he could possibly get closer to Akaashi and not have to necessarily worry about Bokuto. The blonde averted his eyes back to his food as an idea popped into his mind as he scooped more food into his mouth.


     Akaashi was in the middle of completing his homework that wasn’t due for a few days when he heard the doorbell ring from downstairs, but he ignored it as it could have been one of his parents’ friends or even a neighbor. However, he was caught off guard when his mother knocked on his bedroom door a few minutes later.
     “Yes?” He asked politely, looking up when the door opened to reveal his mother.
     “One of your friends is here to pick you up,” she said with a soft smile before leaving the two be.
     “Konoha-” Akaashi softly muttered, bringing a small smile to Konoha’s face, causing the setter’s heart to start racing. “W-what are you doing here?” He mentally face palmed for accidentally stuttering.
     “Cute,” Konoha thought out loud causing blood to rush towards Akaashi’s cheeks, turning them a light pink.
     “It’s not cute,” the black haired male puffed out his cheeks and he pouted, averting his eyes slightly.
     “Cute~” the blonde teased, trying to ignore his own embarrassment for speaking his thoughts out loud, causing the black haired male’s cheeks to turn a darker red. “Anyways, I’m here to pick you up for Komi’s party.”
    “But I wasn’t-”
     “I don’t care, I’m taking you with me,” the older cut off the younger, causing him to pout slightly.
     “No buts.”
     “Fine, but I don’t know what to wear…..” Akaashi’s voice trailed off as he averted his eyes downwards, staring at his school uniform that he has yet to change out of.
     Konoha softly hummed as he turned on his heels to walk over to Akaashi's well organized closet. He threw the doors open, revealing all of the setter's clean clothes to the outside hitter.
     "Please don't choose something that's too much…" his voice trailed off as he softly bit his bottom lip.

     After trying on different outfits that Akaashi disliked but Konoha found perfect, the perfect outfit was finally chosen. It was a white with gray vertical stripes button up shirt tucked into black skinny jeans and black low top converse. 
     "It's missing something," Konoha said, tapping his chin before opening his mouth as if he was saying 'ah'. He stepped closer to the younger male before reaching his hands out to undo the top button. His hands lingered over the material before clenching his fingers around it, unconsciously pulling it closer as his gaze shifted downwards to the setter’s lips before he unconsciously closed his eyes.
     The setter’s eyes widened in surprise as soft lips firmly pressed against his before his eyes fluttered closed. He slowly brought his arms up to wrap around the outsider hitter’s, who had moved his arms down to around the setter’s waist, neck.
     Their lips moved in sync for a few seconds because Konoha pulled away, breaking any form of skin contact with the setter. "I shouldn't have done that," he softly said, averting his eyes towards the floor.
     Akaashi, being too flustered to say a single word, lifted his hands up to his face, hoping it would help with his bright red cheeks.
     "We should probably get going soon," the blonde added to change the topic, earning only a nod from the setter in reply.


     Akaashi entered Komi's house a few seconds before Konoha did, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of someone he knew.
     "You can always stick by my side if you want," Konoha said loud enough to be heard over the music, earning a nod in reply. A small smile painted over the blonde's face before he wrapped his left arm around Akaashi's waist.
     "Konoha-" The setter glanced at the outside hitter but just earned another smile in return.
     "AKAA-" Bokuto stopped mid yell at the sight of his two teammates, especially the sight of Konoha's arm that was wrapped around Akaashi. "Oh…" His smile almost instantly disappeared as he tried to hold back his coughing.

     "Let's play a game," Komi said grasping his hands together, a smirk on his face. 
     "What are we going to play?" Kuroo asked, a small smirk forming on his lips knowing it wouldn't be an innocent game.
     "Seven minutes in heaven~"

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