Chapter 4

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     "Seven minutes in heaven~"

     Komi's words brought a mixture of expressions among the attendees. There was Akaashi, who's expression fell as a sigh escaped his lips, not wanting to be picked at all; Bokuto, who's eyes seemed to glow even brighter as there was a chance he would be paired up with Akaashi; Komi, who had a smirk painted on his lips; and et cetera. "The pairs will be chosen by spinning this bottle. As you probably know, someone spins the bottle, the person it lands on will spin it again to choose their partner for the round." The libero explained while shaking the empty glass bottle in his hand. "I'm also adding a rule where you must at least kiss each other so you can't come out until something happens." He received a few hums in response as he got the game started as he placed the bottle on the floor in the middle of the circle they formed before giving it a spin.
     Akaashi's breath hitched every time the bottle was spun, almost freezing in his place as the bottle stopped on someone who sat really close to him. He exhaled once he realized the bottle didn't stop on him causing him to relax up until it was time to choose the next pair. So far, Kaori and Yukie, Kuroo and Yaku, Shibayama and Anahori, and Yaku and Lev got chosen. Once each of their times were up, some returned looking like nothing happened while others returned with their hair and clothes messed up as they were trying to make themselves presentable again. His eyes followed Nekoma's libero as he returned to his spot before spinning the bottle without exchanging any words about what happened. The black haired setter's gaze shifted from the blonde haired libero to the bottle that had stopped spinning. His muscles tensed up as he realized the empty bottle wasn't pointed at just anyone, it was pointed at himself. He opened his mouth to refuse, he didn't want to play this in the first place especially not after Komi added that one rule.
     "No refusing," the said male said, a smirk still painted on his face as he was resting his chin on his knee watching the setter. Akaashi quickly closed his mouth as there was no way he was going to get out of having to play. With a trembling hand, he reached out to spin the bottle, unconsciously shutting his eyes as he didn't want to watch.
     "Ooooooh," was heard from everyone who was playing as the bottle lost its motion and finally stopped to reveal Akaashi's partner for this round. The black haired male slowly opened one of his eyes to sneak a small peak at who he would have to at least kiss, his breath quickly hitching as luck wasn't on his side. In the middle of the circle, the bottle stayed motionless, the spout pointing towards a certain black and white haired male who's gold eyes were focused on him. "Bokuto and Akaashi~" The two broke eye contact when they heard Kuroo's teasing voice as he tried ushering them into the closest. Akaashi stole a glance from Konoha, who had a frown painted on his face as he was looking down at his hands resting in his lap, before standing up as he wanted to get these seven minutes over as soon as possible. Bokuto, on the other hand, stood up excited that he gets to spend the next seven minutes alone with Akaashi.

     "Your time!" Someone, who neither Bokuto or Akaashi bothered to identify, yelled as the door shut behind them.
      Akaashi moved slightly so he could rest his back against the wall as his eyes focused on the black and white haired male. "Can we please just get this over with?" He only got a hum in response as the older male gently reached his slightly trembling hand to caress the younger's cheek, softly dragging the pad of his thumb over his cheek bone. "Please," his voice was barely audible but Bokuto heard it clearly. The setter shut his eyes tightly, wanting this moment to be over already or wishing the damn rule wasn't in play. The ace leaned down slightly, capturing the setter's lips in a gentle kiss as he wrapped his arms around his waist as an attempt to pull him closer.
     After a few seconds, Bokuto tried to deepen the kiss but Akaashi pulled away, breaking off the kiss. "I'm sorry," he apologized but his voice was inaudible as he shut his eyes even tighter as the thought of him kissing someone other than the guy he liked - no - loved dwelled on his mind.
     "Akaashi-" The older's voice had a hint of hurt to it as he didn't understand why the younger pulled away from their kiss.
     "I can't kiss someone I don't like in that way like it's nothing," he said, finally opening his eyes but averted his gaze away from the gold eyed male in front of him whose face had hurt written all over.
       Bokuto opened his mouth to say something in reply but no words came out, instead he quickly brought his hands up to his mouth as he entered another coughing fit. Only this time something was different. A single petal of a lilac flower landed in the palms of the ace's hands causing his eyes to widen but he quickly hid the flower petal as he glanced back up at the setter.
     "Bokuto-san-" He didn't see the fact the black and white haired male coughed up a flower petal but he was still worried about his best friend for randomly coughing.
     "It's Konoha isn't it?" His voice was almost inaudible but Akaashi still heard him.
     "You like Konoha!" He didn't mean to yell but he was frustrated. "You do, don't you?"
     Akaashi was starstruck, was he really that obvious? "Yes..." His voice trailed off as he averted his eyes. "I'm sorry Bokuto-san."

"Time's up!" The libero whose voice was very well known by the pair called out from the other side of the door with a slight knock. The pair quickly exited the closest to return back to their seats, Bokuto next to Kuroo and Akaashi next to Konoha.
     "Can we please leave," the setter asked the outside hitter quietly, who gently shook his head no in response. He didn't really want to play anymore games after what just happened but he guessed he would continue playing if the male wanted to stay longer.

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