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No Ones POV'

There was a story about a skeleton guardian who travels and helps everyone's memories as a part of who they are, and what part of someone who was lost on there memory using his magic, but one thing we don't know is that how did he became a guardian and about his past life where he meet his true friends and family.

It all started in an hidden AU where no one knows if it's actually exist and the story begin in an AU named "WisteriaTale" inside the Au there was a rumor about a mountain, MT. EBOTT it is said that when someone who is brave enough to climb on that mountain never returns, but inside MT. EBOTT there was something or someone lived inside of that mountain who what they called THE MONSTERS, rumors said that MONSTERS used to lived with humans in peace but war has started between the two races, the monsters were sealed inside Mt. Ebott what they called the 'Underground', but little that humans know that monsters who were sealed in the underground gain new magic which is 'plant manipulation' a magic that can grow any kind of plants whatever they want only monsters can gain this magic.

Many monsters kept on using plant manipulation on the entire underground and each part of the underground has may variation of plants that can only survive on different location like Hotland, Waterfall, Snowdin, Ruins and New Home. it is rare for monsters who were born have a plant manipulation can only grow 1 plant only.

And there is someone who is very special that can only grow only 1 special plant and his name was 'Wisteria Sans' his name was given by another skeleton named Gaster, because he was born that can only grow 1 plant instead of multiple other kind of plants, even though he was born different Gaster still cares about Wisteria. Gaster gives Wisteria what he wants, educate him, and gave him what he really wants a perfect loving family.

But his older brother named Papyrus was very jealous towards his brother, Sans on the other hand wants to have a closer relationship with his older brother, but Papyrus will only pushed Sans away from him ang got beaten up by Papyrus. Gaster knows that Papyrus was jealous towards his brother, he always told Papyrus to be kind and caring towards Sans, but Papyrus still refused and ignored Gaster's words about Sans.

One Day, Sans started to used his plant magic which shocked Gaster and other Monsters from Snowdin that Sans grew a beautiful tree besides their house a 'Wisteria Tree', Gaster pat on Sans' head and smiled at him. Monsters at the underground can only grow smaller trees because it drains some of the MONSTER's magic, if they grew a fully tree then their magic will be drained fully until the MONSTER cannot used any magic at all. But for Wisteria he is different, he doesn't feel that he was getting weaker or his magic was drained, instead he feels that his magic is getting stronger everytime he uses his magic. The MONSTERS in Snowdin Town were shocked and amazed and praised Wisteria while others were jealous.

The  next 2 days Wisteria and Gaster were been called by Asgore Dreemurr in his home located in New Home. When they arrived Asgore asked some few questions about Wisteria's magic. Wisteria told Asgore about his plant magic and Asgore was amazed that his plant magic is very high leveled than the King himself  he declare that Wisteria will be ranked the strongest Magic user in the entire UNDERGROUND. Once that Papyrus heard about it he began to grew more hatred towards Wisteria which led into an accident... Papyrus started attacking Wisteria using his magic, Gaster saw that Wisteria about to get killed by Papyrus final blow of magic, he stepped forward to protect Wisteria by pushing him away from his eldest son's magic and taking all of Papyrus's magic attacks towards himself which caused him many severe injuries and led him into a comatose state.

When Wisteria opened his eye sockets he got terrified that his Father was in a dire state he was shaking badly he went to his Father and hugged him while crying, he Teleported along with his Father away from Snowdin Town towards into the deep Snowdin Forest where no one could find them. Wisteria then uses his healing magic to heal Gaster's injuries and created a glass coffin out of the materials that he could find, once he finished making the glass coffin he put some of his healing magic inside so that Gaster could properly heal while inside of the coffin asleep while Wisteria was away.

After finishing checking his work that he made, he immediately uses his telekinesis magic on Gaster and puts him inside the coffin the coffin was sealed and green magic flows inside healing Gaster's body, Wisteria knew that he couldn't just opened the coffin it automatically open when Gaster is fully awaken from his coma.

Meanwhile Papyrus spread faked rumors about Gaster's disappearance that Wisteria is the one who killed their own father and the MONSTERS in Snowdin Town believed it, since then Wisteria's life in the Underground became more difficult even the faked rumor that Papyrus created spread to the entire Underground except from MONSTERS that resided in the Ruins. Even though it is tough Wisteria kept on living in 'Snowdin Town' just so he could be with Gaster when the time he was awoken from his comatose state. And this was the start of Wisteria Sans' Adventure begins.

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