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It was a cold and snowy night in Snowdin Forest and there was a MONSTER who is walking alone holding a rose made out of crystals on his hand, his name is 'Wisteria Sans'

Wisteria walked alone and kept on checking around to make sure that no one is following him, if someone does following his he will go in a different direction and teleport quickly so that no one could ever follow him. After checking and using his sound manipulation to detect the sound of whispers, footsteps and breathing he only heard was the snow kept on falling and the gust of wind. After noticing that he was all alone he levitates himself so that no one could see his tracks in the snow, and fly towards Gaster's current location, in about 10 minutes of flying he arrived at Gaster's location.

He sat beside the coffin and put the glass rose beside the coffin and started to talked to Gaster "Hello dad I'm back to visit again... I hope you liked the crystal rose that I made... I wish that you were awake..." Wisteria continued to sobbed and sat beside Gaster; in about 2 hours telling about his day while Gaster was still in a coma state.

Wisteria stand up and said his goodbyes on Gaster and went back to his room to check if his pet fox Rosy was okay. When he went back to his room and was shocked to see his room was a mess, all of his books which been usually put in a shelf was on the floor and the garbage was supposed in the garbage bin was scattered in the floor, and then he saw rosy shivering in fear while hiding in the bookshelf, what shocked him the most is that he saw a silhouette in his room. Wisteria got scared and held his spear immediately in case that monster will attack.

Meanwhile the unknown monster kept on wondering on how did they got here when he sense a faint of a powerful magic behind him he turned around and saw Wisteria; he then started to speak "O-oh I'm so sorry that I went inside your room without permission my name is Alpha from AlphaTale" 

Wisteria was a bit scared since Alpha entered inside his room he then started to talk "I- It's fine my name is Wisteria and that baby fox from the shelf was my pet fox Rosy" Alpha then started to fly near in the bookshelf and hold Rosy, the baby fox was very scared since there was a person held her, Rosy then accidentally used her magic trying the freeze the ghost but it was been blocked. Alpha then bring Rosy to Wisteria and gave her to him "I'm sorry that I scared your fox when I entered in your room" Alpha apologized.

Wisteria then take Rosy and starting to pet her so than she could calm down "Shhhh its alright Rosy he's not a bad person" Wisteria kept on petting her until she calms down and fells asleep on his hands; then Wisteria started to apologized on Alpha "I'm so very sorry that Rosy attacked you she doesn't like others to pet or hold her except for me and the person she trust."

Alpha and Wisteria talked to each other about their own Au's Alpha is the first one who shares his knowledge and experience of his Au AlphaTale and the all Alternate Universes he traveled and watched; meanwhile Wisteria just sat on his bed listening while using his magic to clean his room and rosy on his side asleep; he was amazed after Alpha explained his Au and other versions of multiverses that exist, Wisteria also share about knowledge and experiences of WisteriaTale, Alpha was amazed and writes everything about the existence of WisteriaTale.

After Alpha gathered the information he needed he started to asked a question. "Wisteria why does your Au cannot be seen in the Doodle Sphere usually the doodle sphere is a space where all differnt au's doors exist, so then why I haven't seen your door?" 

Wisteria stopped using his magic since he finished cleaning his room and started to answer Alpha's question "Well you see, the reason why the door of my Au didn't appeared in the doodle sphere; was because WisteriaTale was protected by a powerful magic of my CREATOR, so that means no one could enter in this Au except if your soul was pure and not a threat, this Au acted like a living vessel that could sense your emotion, aura, and soul once you passed this the Au itself will allow you to enter WisteriaTale if not then you will be transported to a new Au!"

Alpha was shocked and amazed at the same time what shocked him the most is that he heard Wisteria mentioning a CREATOR. "Wait what do mean protected by your CREATOR it's unusual to see a real CREATOR?!" said Alpha while in shocked and his eyes widen.

"Well you see I met my CREATOR before WisteriaTale was formed I forgot the face of my CREATOR but what I do know is that my CREATOR has a moon and two star mark on her cheeks and she has both light and ice as her main magic what's more interesting is that my CREATOR has many existing buttons!" as Wisteria finished talking Alpha get close to him with amazed and interesting look.


Meanwhile Wisteria covered his ears because of the loud sound and said thanks, until Alpha notice the time." Oh it's time already sorry Wisteria but I have to go and visit my brother!" Wisteria smiled and said "I understand I know it's very important to you to visit him even thought he couldn't see you!" the both of them giggled, before Alpha leave WisteriaTale he gave Wisteria a book.

Wisteria was confused and reads the title "The book Of AUs" he was in shocked and looks at Alpha, why are you giving this to me this book is very important to a person who owns it.

Alpha smiled and said "Don't worry I remember every alternative multiverse that I've travel and observed over centuries. I think it's right for me to gave it to you since I write your AU in this book!" He smiled and Wisteria held the book and say Thank you to him, he then teleported out of Wisteria's room and went to his brother.

Wisteria looked at the book and said to himself "I wonder if there is still hope for me to travel in different kinds of Au's, if there is then maybe I can find what I am capable of...." Wisteria put the book next to his bed and lays until he drifted into a deep sleep with Rosy.

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