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It's been a week since Wisteria found Zephyrina and took her in to WisteriaTale, he took her a bath, dressed her with new clothes, and fed her nutritious foods; Zephyrina was very grateful that she made a right decision to come along with Wisteria and Rosy.  Zephyrina started calling Wisteria 'Big Brother' or 'Big bro Wis' for short, Wisteria doesn't mind at all.

Wisteria's house contains 4 bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, 2 guest rooms, a game room, and a study room. Wisteria took his time to teach Zephyrina during his free time after finishing his work, Zephyrina became more interested in reading books and she become more fond of it. While the two of them love each others company Wisteria decided to give her a special gift using the "CREATE" button; Zephyrina was excited and when she opened the box she was surprised to see in the box was a baby Gaster Blaster but with a mark on it's forehead that looks like a music note, she named the Blaster 'Asteria' and Zephyrina tackle hugs Wisteria while holding Asteria and Wisteria smiled and hugs her back.


Meanwhile in the ruins there was another human fell in the Underground and it was a human girl, the girl got confused on where she is; she then realized that she went to Mt. Ebott to find some answers if the Monsters where really that bad or just a misunderstanding. She then stood up and said to herself "I must investigate this place, if the rumor were a lie or just a misunderstanding!"

She kept on going deep thru the ruins, she first solve the first puzzle; but on the second one she find it difficult, "W-wha how am I going to get cross in the other side this trap surely is deadly!" the girl terrified.

Instead she went to an alternate direction. She instead crossed through the waters to avoid the trap once she was on the other side she continued walking until she saw another puzzle, she solved the puzzle in the ruins quickly and fled away to avoid fighting monsters. She got exhausted from running and take a short break. Not long after the light orb appeared and went in front of her.

The human girl quickly noticed the light orb approaching her and she quickly stood up "W-wha WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!" she screamed. The light orb roamed around her and then spoke to her "There is no need for you to fear me little one, my name doesn't matter I'm here to guide you!" The human girl got confused "To guide me? To where?" she questioned then the light orb moves and said "In order for you to know you must follow me!" The human girl followed it and the light orb helps her solved the ruins puzzle until they arrived to their destination.

The human girl quickly answers "Where are we? and why are we here?" the light orb floats near in front of her and begins to explain "This is the place I want to show you their is someone I want you to meet but you need to find the secret passageway in order for you to enter!" the girl nods her head and kept on looking for some clues; it took her 10 minutes until she saw something glowing, she quickly touched the wall and giving it some magic were she saw the glowing and then the wall glows as it slowly tuned into a door. 

The human girl was shocked to learn that there is a secret passageway were no monsters have even seen, the light orb quickly went inside the door and the girl noticed it "W-wait for me!?!?!" she screamed while running and went inside, all of a sudden the door slowly disappeared and turned back into a normal wall.


Meanwhile inside the Jewel Forest. Wisteria heard new voices he knows that their is someone entered the Jewel Forest he got scared but he remains calm and told something to his adopted little sister "Zephyrina I want you to stay in this house for a while if you heard knocking without my voice don't open the door okay; I'll be out for a while stay here with Asteria okay!" Zephyrina looked at her big brother while holding a crayon and smiled back "okay big bro Wis! I'll be in my room for a while to finished my drawing! isn't that right Asteria?" Zephyrina looks at her blaster and Asteria nods her head as a yes while holding a crayon box using her mouth. Wisteria gently pats they're head and teleports out of the house.

Upon entering the door the human girl was amazed upon what she saw "WOAH THIS PLACE WAS BEAUTIFUL AND SHINY!!" she screamed. She explored the Jewel Forest and accidentally bumped into someone and falls on the ground, "I-I'm so sorry that I bumped into you?" upon seeing to the person that she accidentally bumped into it was a skeleton monster that she haven't seen before "I-It's okay just be careful!".

 Wisteria lend a hand on the human girl and the girl accepted it and stood up "T-thank you!" she said; and Wisteria smiled back "Its okay but what are you doing here?" Wisteria questioned. The girl suddenly explained that the light orb brought her here, Wisteria was in shock and held her hand gently "Follow me I have to show you something!" said Wisteria and starts to walks to the lake were he met the CREATOR and the girl just follows him while holding Wisteria's hand. 

When they arrived at the lake the both of them noticed that the lake glowed brightly and Wisteria knew that the CREATOR's presence was here, Wisteria greeted the CREATOR first and quickly ask a question "Nice to meet you again CREATOR! but why did you bring a human child in the Jewel Forest wasn't the human supposed to be continuing their journey to the Underground?" the CREATER chuckle and said "Its true Wisteria but I chose this child to be your another companion she is the 'Frisk' on this Au I want you to take good care of her and she will be your apprentice in this world!" 

Wisteria understood and said yes; then a light came out of the lake and went inside the girl, she was confused until the CREATOR spoke to her "little girl you'll become Wisteria's mage apprentice, that means you're the only child that can use magic in this Au train hard and don't use your magic for good not evil!" the girl feels magic flowing around her body and smiles "Thank you very much CREATOR! I promise to use my magic for good!" said the girl and started a small bow.

The magic in the lake completely vanished and Wisteria kneeled in front of the girl and said "little girl sit in front of me please!" the little girl followed and sat near him and Wisteria brushed her hair and made a red ribbon; he then tied the ribbon on the girls' hair and looks at the girl and said "From now own your name will be 'Alyssa' and you are now my mage apprentice!" 

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