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Having the two heroes leave your house after the long day was a break starter. You finally took your lunch and dove in it, spent the rest of your day browsing through your phone, reading hero articles and anything that could catch your attention.

While you were 'busy' the other two men were having a small chat about you. More specifically, your very questionable life decisions..

"Well, I don't know, Endeavor. She really seems good with her quirk, but why do you want her to be a hero so badly? And don't say it's hero material."

The elder man released a small sigh and look at the younger hero. His eyes held a gleam of retracing in it. He swam in the sea of memories to remember what made him so intrigued in you.

"You see, this girl lived as my neighbor for a while now. Her parents were with her, but they died a few years ago. She's a wonderful prodigy of them. Therefore I believe she'll make an amazing hero, but the real reason I wanted her was......."


"Hawks, have you ever heard of the Dark Harbinger's Blitzkrieg?"


You woke up in the usual morning, not having the annoying neighbor bother you for once. Getting up from bed, you quickly did a few stretches here and there, some kick practices, a few dance rehearsals and a bit of cardio.

After taking a nice shower, you got into the most taxing and annoying job of all time: cleaning the house.

After what seemed like days, but where hours, you were done and you looked at the time. 1:37 PM.

Quickly making lunch for yourself, you scarfed down the meal and ran out the house.

It wasn't a place on any urgency you had to attend, but you always welcomed the free hours it gave you.

You now entered the beautiful dance room where many other talented ladies and gentlemen awaited you. You didn't waste a second and went to the lovely pink girl across the room.

"Hey, Ashido. How are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, (Y/n)! I'm fine. And you? How's life? Going for trips? Stuff?"

"Good. UA?"

"It's really awesome! I've met some amazing people already. I can't wait to introduce you to them!"

"I can't wait as we-"

Before you got to finish your sentence, Ashido's phone vibrated. You gave her a bit of privacy to look into whatever that popped on her screen. You were in the middle of your usual warmup when you heard squeals of your fellow female trainees. Being eager to know what got to them, you approached the teen you were already familiar with.

"Ashido, something the matt-"


You were confused by her utter weirdness you couldn't get a thing. She rammed her phone in your face and you took a look at the bright screen, only to be met with the most ridiculous thing you'd have ever expected.

Pro Hero, Hawks makes yet another appearance, saving the day marvelously again.

The utter blasphemy. You couldn't give two shits about the idiot. One, you were highly, if not too, bothered by the new fans he started to accumulate and two, the move he pulled yesterday in your lofty abode.

"Um, Ashido. What do you find interesting in him? As far as I know, he's an absolute jerk."

The collective gasps of the girls seemed as if it came out of an exasperated comedy.

Somehow You...- Hawks X Reader Where stories live. Discover now