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The sun was shining brightly before you woke up so you shut your eyes tight when you pulled the curtains.

"Good mor- what time is it?" You checked the clock on the wall. 10:54 am.

"Almost good afternoon, Kyushu." You did your normal routine, stretch, shower and watch the news. You were sitting with a towel covering your body, bored out of your mind. It was late so there weren't any news. Your mind went back to last night and you wondered if his offer as still up since you had nothing better to do. You brought the lovely black feather to your hand and took his to tickle it again.

While waiting you processed the info he told you yesterday.

Drugs? Those were never manufactured before so why now? The news headlines cover things that are normal for villains and this has never been reported.

Why have I never checked on this? And now that I think about it, why did I never bother to look into it? Why didn't I keep a steady eye over Japan like before? Have I really lost my edge over these six years?

Why did I leave everything behind?

That's right. I was supposed to be dead.

A knock interrupted you from your train of  thought and you looked at it to see Hawks flying in there. You tried to stand up to open the window for him, but the towel slipped from your figure. You heard him whistle and your wings covered you while you picked the towel.

"Damn pervert," you grumbled while opening the window.

"Were you planning on seducing me when I got here? And don't worry. I didn't see anythin'." Your face fumed and you picked some clothes and dashed to the bathroom.

"I was just out of the shower so stop getting any funny ideas!"

He started laughing as you wore your clothes.

Stupid birdbrain

You got out and saw that your feather and his were still on the bed. He didn't notice it when he got in so you pierced it before he could take it.

"Too slow."

"I'm the fastest hero out here."

"Pretty pathetic to lose to a civilian with such a self proclaimed title."

"I smell a challenge."

"If you want it to be~" You slipped on some shoes before turning back to him.

"So what are we doing today?"

"Look more into yesterday's case. I don't have patrols for today so that's what we're gonna do."

"What are we waiting for then?" You grabbed a scrunchie and shoved it in your pocket before opening the window and flying out. He immediately zipped past you and on ahead.

He's such an idiot.

He arrived at his agency and rolled into his office through the open balcony window. He got up and didn't see you on the waiting seats.

"Would you look at that? She isn't -"

"You sure took your sweet ass time." Your hands were stuffed in your pocket with your legs on his desk. His head spinned to see you in his office seat.

"No. Way." You broke out in a laughing fit and clutched your stomach. His face was absolutely hilarious.

"Oh my God! Look at the shock in your face. Damn, that must've broke you..haha..ah. Now don't be mopey about it," you said wiping a tear.

You jumped from his desk and let him take a seat.

"How did you get here before me?"

"Well... I won't be sharing my secret."

Somehow You...- Hawks X Reader Where stories live. Discover now