Little Pretty Miss

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"I told you this was a mistake, I should never have agreed to indulge you in this imaginative charade, now see what it has caused us. oh my God!!! how do I explain to everyone that we broke up because we were never really in love to start with" Betty yelled.

Ray interrupted, "Our contract may have ended but If you are not convinced that we need to stop seeing each other then I am OK with it, I have grown fond of you."

Betty's POV

As a girl with aspirations and dreams, I have dared a lot of ideas, some seemed reasonable and worth the attempt but to be honest, most ideas were just an attempt at realizing my weird imagination. [Laughs sarcastically] Bear in mind that this has nothing to do with being an ambitious woman with dreams and aspirations that are soared towards.

My name is Betty, I am an ethically, intelligent, sophisticated, ambitious, and morally upright young lady in my mid-twenties with a high taste in fashion, eagle-eyed attention to detail, ambassador of the soft girl network, and a high taste in sophisticated men and lifestyle. Don't ask me how I manage to adorn myself with these personalities and focus on the headlines.

Scrap all I said before, the weather was cloudy and breezy with leaves complementing the wave of the wind and unfortunately of all days it could be, it was 8 O'clock on a Monday morning. I rose reluctantly from my bed as my sleep had been rudely interrupted by the exasperating sound of my alarm.

Just as I knelt to observe my morning ritual, my phone kept buzzing nonstop, infuriated by the incessant sound from my ringtone, I quickly wrapped up my prayers and returned the calls. On the other end of the call was my raking boss effortlessly dishing out instructions and making out a to-do list that I didn't solicit for [kisses teeth].

Snapping out of my irritated mood, I quickly reached for a quick hot bath and what is a good morning without my nine-step skincare routine and makeup. Now, to the hard part of being a baddie in a corporate world. I stare at my wardrobe in utter confusion about what to wear that best relates to my mood for the morning and achieving the mission of attracting the sons of Adam.

Let's assume that I painstakingly surmounted that phase and finally got ready to be the achiever that I am. I immediately stepped out and I was gently stroked by the cold wind and the exasperating sounds of car horns from neighbors who were up and about their day [kisses teeth].

I walked briskly to my garage hopped in my 2020 Toyota Corolla and made my way out into the street. Halfway to my destination, I was interrupted by the traffic light, I took a halt and wondered how more exhausting the morning be when I was nicely distracted by the sight of a dark, tall, and physically appealing man, I think he was being frustrated by his car because all I can remember was his well-structured masculine body covered in a light blue corporate shirt, spiced with a vintage navy blue tie and black well-fitted pants that gave out the fitness of his thighs and well-structured bum.

I went off the road, parked behind him, and inquired why he was pacing back and forth. I waved and said "Hello" Being in such close proximity, I was close to selling my ego out, I quickly snapped from my delusion as his lips made way to answer my greetings.


I smiled shyly at him and asked "Car troubles?" and he hissed and said softly with a hint of frustration in his warm tone "Yeah," took a pause and continued "Too early to be having a bad day right?"

"Some days are like that," I said, with a welcoming smile that made its way through his mood as he smiled back, passing his fingers through his well-oiled and neatly kept beard. Then he said "Excuse my unpleasant mood" and he stretched out his hand that was neatly manicured and tucked in his pocket and reached for mine with a smile that related his thought of me, "My name is Raymond Kposi but you can call me Ray"

I stuttered and finally found my words "Betty, Betty Philips"

Still staring keenly at him, I offered to give him a lift "If you don't mind, I presume you are headed my way, I could drop you off while your mechanic brings your car to you, obviously, after it is fixed" and we both chuckled.

"Is that really ok? I really don't want to be a bother" he said

"No, I really don't mind, I mean you could be late".

He reluctantly took my offer after a few seconds of convincing him, we had warm conversations that made the ride less awkward and we found ourselves laughing hard at each other's jokes, we got familiar a little too quickly that it was hard to tell that we met serendipitously.

We shortly arrived at his office and he said "This is me" with a smile on his face; revealing his perfectly spaced dentition, he was interrupted by the sound of the release of the door knobs, he reached for the handle and opened the door, steppe out and close the door gently and said "thank you",

I watched him making his way towards the office building and I could not help but lust with a smirk on my face. Suddenly, he turned and walked towards me as if he had forgotten something; he bent over at the wound down the glass and said, "Hey, can we have dinner later tonight, at least to properly thank you for being my lifesaver this morning". I nodded quite quickly like I heard his words before they left his creamy and well-moisturised lips.

"A date it is then!" he said with a hint of relief lurking in his voice, "I look forward to seeing you later tonight" he continued, stretching out his hand; and holding out his phone "Please can I have your number?"

"Why not" were all the words I could find?

"Thank you and please have a nice day". And he cutely walked away, leaving me to struggle with the hard pound in my chest. I eventually reconciled with reality and drove off.

I struggled to stay focused at work, unable to be useful as I got distracted by the thought of him in my head by everything that reverted my mind back to the first image of him that had me lost for reason. I only found myself surfing through my closet for the best dress that would steal his glance away from every active space and focus them on me once I blessed him with angelic presence. I was determined to correct any wrong impressions I may have unconsciously left about how breathtaking I am and how glorious my aura fills the moment.

My mind kept pacing about every detail of imagination I had lurking in me at the time. My thoughts were interrupted by the notification beep on my phone. It was a text message from a strange number and it read

"Hey Good Samaritan, dinner is for 8pm tonight, please reply with your address and I will come for you".

I found myself smiling at my phone so much and I immediately snapped out of it. The day had unfortunately taken the pace of a snail; as I stared down at my meticulously crafted crystal-adorn wrist watch wondering when official hours would be over.

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