Dinner with mr. Heart

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I made my way to the door and my heart raced as i walked into the brightly lit restaurant, the soft and melodious sound of the violin invoked the spirit of love to circulate in the air, and the melody created by the violinist enveloped my senses. My light brown eyes scanned the room, searching for the one person who had been messing with my thoughts for most of my day. Then I saw him, standing stylishly with his hands placed nicely at his front and staring right at me like he had seen the personification of glamour and elegance.

Staring lustfully at me was a dark-skinned, tall, and incredibly handsome man who radiated an irresistible magnetism and was nicely covered in a black tuxedo, with his shirt slightly unbuttoned; enough to give away his simple diamond chain and his shoes were returning the glory of the light.
I walked confidently to the centre of the room. I could not ignore the stare of everyone dining at the time. While I wondered why of all tables, He chose the one right at the centre of the room. He smiled at me like he had accomplished a mission.

“Hello,” I said.

“You look ravishing beautiful” he replied.

He reached out for my hand and kissed it passionately like he was trying to convey his emotions, and then he walked behind me close enough that I could smell the price of his fragrance and the seams of his jacket, I was already loosening myself. Then he said “Please sit” as he held out my seat.

I took a deep breath, willing my racing heart to calm down, His lips curled into a confident smile, one that sent a surge of heat through my veins. "Betty," he purred his voice like a melody that resonated within me. "You're the most beautiful part of my day."
My cheeks blushed, and I tried to conceal that by tucking a loose strand of my sleek hair behind my ear, trying to keep my composure. "I could say the same about you” I replied with a playful grin.

We both laughed lightly but even as I was distracted from his face I could tell that he never stopped staring, I caught a glance at him and he immediately snapped out of it and said “I was so carried away that I almost forgot that I keeping you hungry, I apologize” I gave out a subtle chuckling and said “it is fine.”

He poured out the wine slid the glass within my reach and said “I hope you do not mind that I chose to do you the honors, it would be ungentlemanly of me not to” We both laughed enthusiastically.

He snapped his fingers and food came rolling on a huge tray, I was bamboozled as to how much food he had to order. “Are we expecting company or is all these for us?” I asked.

“You deserve all these and more, please allow me to treat you like the queen you are,” He said.
I blushed glaringly and obliged his request. Halfway into the meal was silent and in all that moment I was in my thoughts. I love a man who knows how to use his words and above all knows how to create butterflies in the tummy of his woman. I had already imagined a long-term relationship with him; as I can identify gold even in their lowest state.

My thought was interrupted by his deep voice that gave away his masculinity.

“How was your day earlier, I hope I didn’t cause you any trouble at work or any sort of delay. Because if I did I would be very sorry about it”

I laughed and said, “No you did not; even if you did I can say right now that it was worth it”. He laughed.
“You sure know how to make a man blush, I love that about you”. I immediately took his next word and asked “How about your car was it fixed?”

Oh yes, the mechanic said it was a little malfunction and he brought it to the office at noon after it was fixed. “So you are an accountant? I mean the inscription on the wall at the building I dropped you off, read kposi & co (accounting office)”.

“Yeah I am and you?” he replied.

“I am a lawyer”,

“How nice and utterly convenient, I just found my lawyer” we both laughed. So what do you think of the wine? He asked, I think it tastes good and old with a hint of grapes and a fine finish. It emits class and proper distilling”

“Wow I cannot believe you are a wine person, you know what they say, the older the wine…” we both chorused “the sweeter it becomes”.

“I have a very old bottle that I purchased about eight years ago; at my place that I have kept for the longest to share with someone who appreciates it, at a very special moment. Would you grant me this privilege?” he asked.

“How can I say no, when you have asked like that, it would be unladylike to turn you down” I replied. Finally, there might be a chance that I show off my perfect lingerie, I am glad I came prepared.

So what are we waiting for then? Let us get out of here”

He rose from his seat and came to grab mine for me. He reached for my hand and I placed mine in his I felt electric sparks up in my arm as he led me out to the entrance of the restaurant. Henry was just there in time to open the door for him after he had helped me settle in and close mine.

He held my hand throughout the ride to his house and our fingers intertwined, and I felt an instant connection, as if we were two distant pieces finally clicking into place. The air between us grew, charged with an undeniable tension, a magnetic pull that neither of us could ignore. Regardless of the tension, we both kept still.

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