The Lust

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Finally, it was 5 p.m. and it was time to call it a day at the office. I wrapped up all tasks for the day, closed all files, aligned my to-do list for the next day, shut down my system, and rose from my desk.

As I hurried down the stairs, I got to the front desk and I was stopped by the calm and friendly voice of Emily bidding me farewell. Then I realised how carried away I was; so much that I forgot to say goodbye to my friends and colleagues. Emily was a five by six feet tall, light-skinned lady with a smile capable of calming a stormy sea and a welcoming voice that immediately brightened the mood of all visitors and colleagues who passed her desk. She was the receptionist of the firm.

I am particularly fond of her and today I almost forgot that she existed because I was living in my thoughts. I quickly snapped back to the present and answered her greetings with a shy but warm smile, I could see her shake her head in amusement but I was too occupied to indulge her further.

I made my way to my car and quickly drove home. Immediately I was in my safe space I finally felt at ease to imagine our dinner date later that evening and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of imagining what he would look like.

At about 6:30 pm, I was pulled out of the shower by my doorbell buzzing, I quickly took a rinse put my robe on, and ran for the door as if I was expecting someone earlier, to my utter disappointment, I was graced with the presence of a neatly adorned delivery man.

"Hello, are you Miss Betty Philips?" he asked with a warm smile on his face and an exquisite fancy card in his gloved hands that yelled class and style.

"Yes, I am" I replied, after battling with the confusion in my head.

"We are from B&B fashion house and we have a delivery for you from one Mr. Heart" as he turned the card to show me the inscription." We are instructed to get you ready for your date tonight". At the incessant mention of 'we,' I stuck my neck out of my door to see who he was referring to. My mouth was left open as I saw the carefully selected team put together to make this one hell of an experience.

There was a stylist, a makeup team, and a large tray of wine tucked in ice buckets rolled by two neatly suited men. I couldn't help but blush effortlessly and it got me ticking my Mr Right boxes already.

I withdrew my head and let the door wide open to let them into my neatly kept one-bedroom apartment with carefully picked and strategically placed interior designs. They made their way into the living room and I gave them the go-ahead to settle down and set up while I excuse myself to quickly finish washing up and moisturize and I would be all theirs.

I finished the shower and threw on my pink robe that hid the carefully selected hot pink lingerie laced with class and neediness, it was worn with the intent and hope that the night ends with my imagination replicated in reality and when I am unveiled I want to set his thirst on fire and set the tone of our first sexual experience, so he eventually senses his wrong of wasting some much time to have experienced me but go home saying "it was worth it"

I made my way to the sitting room and it was almost as if I was lost in another space, everywhere was set up the floor was sprinkled with white petals and the room was extra bright as it was enhanced by the twenty-three inches ring light mounted at strategic corners of the room.

My amazement filled the room as I could read the smile of satisfaction on their faces like that was the intention all along. I was revived by the pleasant voice of the makeup artist when she said "Please have a sit Miss".

I made my way to the makeup section and sat pretty while I allowed the professionals to do their thing. The cupbearer poured me a glass of red wine and served it with three cubes of square-shaped ice. I picked the wine glass up, inhaled, and took a sip of the wine. It tasted as good as the bottle looked. I smiled back in satisfaction and said "Thank you" he smiled back and replied, "You are welcome".

Finally, after a couple of minutes, my hair and makeup were done it was time to fit into my dress and I couldn't wait to see what he had put together. The stylist beckoned on me to make my way across the center table to the other side of the room, I quickly obliged her.

Standing before a full-length mirror mounted right in front of me, I took off my robe, and three large white boxes were opened I was told I had the option of trying all three to make the perfect choice but I had fallen in love with the white dress in the second box that was opened. Immediately I made my choice and proceeded to try it on.

At this point, I couldn't recognize the lady I had transformed it. The white dress loudly made a statement that in one word echoed 'expensive'. It was a straight-cut dress, off the right shoulder and creatively embroidered in bold roses at the top left shoulder that could pass for a sleeve; it made its way halfway below my knee and made a long revealing slight right in the middle of the dress.

I couldn't help but admit that this man indeed knew my style, this dress was complemented with a beautiful six-inch high-heeled red sandals that were carefully covered in red roses. Also, the stylist suggested that I go with the pearl accessory set, which sat pretty and complemented my red lipstick.

I carefully selected the fragrance that I wore, so that at the first breath he would tell that dessert was served. Finally, I was all ready to meet my prince, with the help of my team I was just in time for our dinner by 8 pm.

Just as I ended the ci chat with my glam team; thanking them for such a wonderful experience and how thrilled I was with how I looked, the doorbell rang and I answered it an I was thrilled at the sight of a young-looking man adorned in a nicely embroidered navy blue suit and a captivating smile that gave away his spaced dentition that complimented his lower jaw structure.

"Hello madam, my name is Henry, I was sent to complete this wonderful experience" he said.

Before I could say a word, he liberated me from my state of blankness as I was utterly lost for words.

May I?" he asked, as he reached out for my hands and led me to a white Rolls Royce, I took a second to process the glamour of this vehicle as it is known for its poise and drought in wealth.

Again I was interrupted by Henry "Please make yourself comfortable Miss" I smiled back and made my way to sit pretty and he closed the door and turned to make his way to the driver's seat.

We rode for a couple of minutes and finally, we arrived at our location.

I was graced by the creatively architectural water fountain which was positioned at the center of the parking lot. We made our way around the fountain and parked right at the entrance of a beautiful restaurant. Henry made his way around and held the door for me; I helped myself out and stared at the beauty I beheld.

Henry said" Mr Raymond is waiting for you inside, do have a lovely evening", I thanked him and he drove off.

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