Liar - Adam

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"I said I won't get too close,
but I can't stop it. "
-Camila Cabello

                                 "Don't speak,no, don't
                                  try,it's been a secret
                                  for the longest time,"
                                 -Camila Cabello

                                 "Don't speak,no, don't                                   try,it's been a secret                                   for the longest time,"                                 -Camila Cabello

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Sometimes,there are moments of life in which you feel free and without stress.
Those moments, especially happen when you're little,a kid,with your doubts and questions.
They say,'When you're little,you wanna be older,and when you're older,you wanna return, kid' well,they were always right.
When you grow up,things just get different. You start to worry about your look,your way to think,your tastes,and you do everything you can to not be judged by others.
Your fantasy starts to fade away,and the memories and colors of the childhood start becoming black.
When you're little,you can do promises too,some are stupid,yeah,but others can be promises that last forever.
Like me and my older brother,Charlie.
We were six and seven when we did our promises,well,a list.
They're basically a bunch of rules that we made,and we promised to keep them for the rest of our lifes.
Like,rule number three;always be with eachother, or rule number two;never share your secrets, but the most important rule is rule number one,that was specifically made by Charlie,never fall in love or like eachother friends.
Yeah,he didn't like the idea of me liking his friends or him liking my friends,so he made that rule.
We promised that,but,as I said,we were just kids,kids who thought that nothing could have changed.
But in life,things don't always go the way you want to.
When I was thirteen,I found out that Charlie smokes,I was a little surprised, especially because I don't like smoke,but I thought that it wasn't a big deal,but after awhile I found the cigarettes,I found a little pack of weed in his drawer, and that's when everything fell apart.
When mom and dad found out,they got crazy.
He was grounded,and they decided to make him go in a recovery house,I didn't want to believe it,but it was the truth.
He started packing his things, and mom and dad sent him away.
I felt alone,empty,I've had my brother for my whole life,and now,they send him away,I still remember the moment, I was watching my parents' car from the window,with my fingers slightly touching it.
My brother looked at me and gave me a little wave,I waved back,and he got in the car,as my parents drove away.
I stood there,at the window,looking as the car kept going further and further,till it vanished from my sight.
And since that moment, I have never seen my brother anymore.
It's been three years since they made him go there,and in these three years, I learned how to do things alone.
Now I'm sixteen, and I go to 10th grade, I've made a bunch of friends,and I love them,but I'm still worried about Charlie.
I know that I should be happy that he doesn't do drugs anymore, but I can't just stop thinking how he left,with his eyes red and he wasn't himself.
In those years,I've been sad and alone,but one of his friends helped me through it,Adam.
He has black, short,messy hair,with plump lips and big brown eyes.
God those eyes,they made me melt every time he looked at me.
When he found out that Charlie left, he was sad too,and so we started comforting each other.
It started with comfort and friendship, but as soon as we kept spending time together, I started developing feelings for him.
When I figured that I liked him I was in total panick,I kept blaming myself, because I always promised Charlie that I wouldn't have like his friends,but I can't help myself, Adam has those puppy eyes and those lips that made me fall for him even more.
I still remember a particular time,in which my heart got completely captured by him.
It was when he told me he liked me back,and we kissed,I was so happy to hear that,I was gonna explode.
I was happy,but I felt like a traitor, too,for Charlie.
But Adam told me that we were kids,and Charlie wouldn't have care anymore, and so I just went with it,and since that moment, we started dating.
We've been dating for two years,and these were the best years of my life.
His favorite thing ,from what i see,is making out,which is what we're doing right now,on my bed.
He was shirtless, and he took off my shirt,leaving me in my bra. "You're so beautiful," he whispered as we kept kissing.
I smiled while kissing him, and he put his hands on my waits.
The house door opened, but we didn't hear and kept making out.
Suddenly I heard a slight crack "What the fuck" Someone said,wait,I know this voice,I quickly pulled away and saw Charlie,on the doorway, with his face shocked.
I widened my eyes and Adam quickly got out of the bed,putting his shirt on,as I did the same "Charlie..." I said almost in a whisper, god he's changed,a lot.
He looked at us before walking out,slamming the door,I immediately followed him,opening the door and walking behind him "Look dude it's not what it seems" Adam said as he followed us too,Charlie stopped in his tracks and looked at us.
"It's not what it seems?! Seriously? What were you doing?" He asked angrily,we just looked at him "Since how is this thing going on" he asked "two years" Adam answered quietly, and Charlie looked at us "Two years? Two years in which you've been with my sister?!" He yelled angrily at Adam,and put his hands on the back of his head.
"Look,she needed comfort and so I comforted her" Adam said In a calm voice "Yeah,comfort by fucking her?" Charlie asked "No! I just wanted to make her not feel alone anymore" Adam answered,taking a step towards Charlie.
"Oh come on,you wanna make me believe that you didn't already screw her?" Charlie asked,and we stayed silent,Charlie turned around and started walking away.
"Come on man let's talk" Adam said and opened his arms,walking closer to Charlie,he stopped walking and turned around.
He faced Adam and punched him,I gasped and put my hands on my mouth,Charlie went on top of Adam and they started punching eachother.
"Stop! Guys,stop!" I yelled with tears in my eyes,Charlie looked at me and stopped,getting up "you know,I trusted you" he said on the edge of tears "you can trust me Charlie.." I whispered while hot tears came out of my eyes.
"No,i-I,you promised" he said while crying "I know but,we were kids,and now we're teens and I'm sorry but I can't control my feelings..but i love you,Charlie" I said while tears kept falling on my cheeks.
He looked at me and shook his head "if you really loved me you wouldn't have fucked him" he said with tears on his cheeks,and turned around,walking away.
I stood there,looking at him as he walked away,I helped Adam getting up and started walking home with him,hoping Charlie would've forgive me soon.

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