Roommates - Dean Taylor

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Requested by: Sirine220181

'No worries tonight, start
a party in the living room,
turn it up until we feel it

                               'We could stay at home
                                and watch the sunset,
                                but I can't help from
                                asking,'Are you bored


                               'We could stay at home                                and watch the sunset,                                but I can't help from                                asking,'Are you bored                                 ye...

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This year,I finally convinced my parents to make me leave the house and go to live alone in an apartment, even a small one,I just wanted some peace.
While i was walking on the street,a little flat caught my eyes and I immediately got interested to buy a room,so I called the proprietary of the flat and asked him if it was available, he said yes,and I immediately got excited, but what he added later was something i would've never expected. He said that I'll have a roommate since another person asked the same apartment,this was the end.
For most of the people, having a roommate is something beautiful, and maybe some can even made some friends,but obviously, it isn't for everyone,besides the fact that I hate communicating and socializing with people, I thought that the roommate was a girl,and I thought 'well,it can't be that bad if it's a girl,right?' Well destiny,you surprised me even in that,my roommate was a boy. That was even worse,I don't communicate with boys at all. Honestly, I don't even know why i'm anxious. It's just a boy,not my future boyfriend, so I'll be fine.
Well,after that,I walked in the apartment and positioned my things inside,suitcases,boxes,everything, I basically filled the wardrobes with my clothes,shoes,makeups and books,but I don't think he'll mind,right?
Well,his name was Dean,and our first meeting wasn't one of the best.
I was preparing my things for my new house,till someone knocked,I looked at the door curiously before walking towards it and opening it.
There was a young boy,he had black hair and brown eyes, he was probably 6.0 feet tall, and his face,well ew.
I smiled politely at him. "Do you need something?" I asked him in the nicest tone I could do."Uh yeah,this is my apartment, " he said rudely." Well,he's nice "Oh so you're my roommate?" I asked, confused, and he raised an eyebrow."You're Y/n?" He said,scanning me up and down."Yeah,and you're.. Dylan?" I asked, hoping to have the right name "Uh it's Dean actually" he said while rolling his eyes,and I raised an eyebrow "well Dean,so,I already put my things inside-" I started explaining him how I positioned my things but he entered,shoving me out of the way and sat on the couch,lighting up a cigarette "want one?" He asked as he looked at me while blowing the smoke out of his mouth "uh no,I don't smoke" I rolled my eyes and closed the door "as i was saying-" I started but he interrupted me again,by turning on the tv "Sorry,can't hear you" he said while smirking, I groaned and walked into my room,closing the door.
And that was our first meeting, now it's been 8 months in which Dean and I have been living together, and during these months he became more friendly,I guess.
We have a 'to-do list' in which,one of us go to the supermarket one day and the other goes the other one,one throw away the rubbish,and always like that,changing the roles.
I've just been to the supermarket, so the next week it's his turn.
I did all the stairs till I arrived in front of our door,I knocked and after a while Dean opened the door. "Hey there,you already done?" He asked surprised, as he let me in "yep" I said as I positioned the heavy begs on the table,he came beside me and sat on a chair,as I was putting away the food I noticed him looking at my ass "I see you" i said,and he smirked "it's not my fault if it's so..tempting" he said as he kept staring, I rolled my eyes and kept putting away the food,he suddenly threw something at me,I narrowed my eyebrows and turned around "Hey!" He started laughing as he looked at me,i raised an eyebrow and took the piece of biscuit out of my hair "idiot" I said as I cleaned my hair,he smiled "your idiot" he said with a smile, I looked up at him "nah, just an idiot" he smiled and got up,walking outside on the balcony "the best idiot" he said as he opened the window.
I kept putting away the food. While seeing him trying to scare the pigeons with his cigarette, I laughed to myself quietly as I finished putting away the food.
I walked outside with him,and leaned my elbows on the edge of the balcony,and I looked at the panorama,it wasn't the best if you looked down,but if you looked up you could see a sea of stars,one more brilliant than the other,they were shining like diamonds in the sky,and the moon was even more beautiful, it was so shiny and big,it brought me calm.
With the corner of my eye, I noticed Dean staring at me. "Want a photo, Taylor?" I asked with an eyebrow raised,and he smiled."Maybe I do. " I looked up at him and smiled."Why are you so romantic tonight? Are you in love with me or something?" I asked teasingly, and he looked at me."What if I am?" My smile disappeared, and I looked at him surprised. He sighed."Y/n,what if I am in love with you?" He asked again,and I narrowed my eyebrows."You do?" I asked,I don't know why,but my heart skipped a bit, he nodded and looked at me in the eyes "since you slapped me for breaking your heel" I smiled at him,did he seriously fell in love with me because I hit him? "Well,then," I turned around and crossed my arms. "What is the color of my eyes?" I smiled confidently, I knew he was saying that he loved me just to make me blush or as a joke,there was no way that Dean Taylor, the 'bad' guy with bad attitude, with even a rifle in the house,is in love with me.
He got closer to me "well,at first glance your eyes are y/e/c,but when the light hits them they change to (y/e/c in a different way) and if you look really closely around the iris the color is pure y/e/c,but,when you look into the sun,they almost look y/e/c,that's my favorite" he said as he came closer to me even more,I was surprised, no one has ever noticed the differences between my eyes colors in the different lights, he was the first one to do it.
I slowly turned around, only to be met with his brown deep eyes again,as he looked at me with a serious expression "you..really mean that?" I asked,almost whispering, as he came even closer,placing his hands on my waist "every word" he said softly,as he looked at my lips,I blushed slightly as I felt his intense stare on my lips,and he leaned in slowly,till I felt his soft lips on mine,our lips collapsing in a soft yet passionate kiss.
Well,I guess I couldn't have asked for a better roommate.

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