Sweet treats!

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I sighed as I began to turn my head and look at Princess Ava she was too busy with the coo-king Hall-ow-een fo-od, just like how Rhys was taught to co-ok by the Wise Old Sage Ms Oates who Princess Ava called her Neigh-bour or something like that? "PRISONER!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!" Asch yelled getting slightly irritated with all the noise going on, Ava sighed and rolled her eyes at she placed her cooking equipment down and walked up to Asch. "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP! I'M COOKING US FOOD SO WE CAN HECKIN EAT OKAY??? WHAT ARE YOU MY DADS???" Asch simply began arguing with Ava as I just turned my attention to the kitchen, I was taught how to cook by mine and Pierce's mum so I had some cooking experience when it came to baking or cooking! "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEARN TO COOK--" I interrupted Ava. "Done!" The others turned to me shocked even Pierce but he smiled slightly as he realised where my skills came from. "What?.." Ava and Asch said at the same time. "I've finished your sweet treats so we can all enjoy them!" I chuckled slightly at the gobsmacked Ava and the other boys but Pierce. "HOW??? I only started...-" She than looked at her phone. "2 HOURS AGO??? IS THAT HOW LONG WE WAS ARGUING FOR!!?" I nodded. 




"You did!" I answered their question truthfully, as I got out the delicious scented cookies, Pumpkin pie, sweets, chocolate cake Halloween and the Zombie brain jello from the fridge. "What's wrong guys?" I looked at the mouthwatering Daemos and Sorceress and even Pierce looked impressed. "I knew you were good Y/N but I didn't think you were that good!" Pierce spoke aloud as the others nodded along not really listening, I chuckled slightly. "Well what're you waiting for??? Dig in!" I clapped my hands together as they began digging in. "This..imf...swo... mmmm! Gwood! Than...woof!" Ava said through mouthfuls and the others nodded along whilst eating their sweet treats, I bowed in gratitude. "Glad ya like em." I smiled at the childish young adults that stood were before me in the room.

" I smiled at the childish young adults that stood were before me in the room

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