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The village of Konoha didn't look like it had changed all that much on the outside from the day, five years ago, when six frightened children escaped in the dead of night. The large, imposing gates still stood, and the same symbols were painted on them. The surrounding forest didn't seem even slightly different, but then again, Naruto hadn't really had that much time to see them.

Naruto readjusted his new Kusa hitai-ite for the one-hundredth time nervously. He was not at all used to the weight and it had a way of wanting to slide down his face.

He was wearing a grayish blue jacket over a dark orange shirt, and dark pants along with black combat sandals. All of these clothes had been assigned to him by the client, along with everyone else's. Naruto wished he could have used a genjutsu to cover up his whiskers, but had already decided to tell anyone who stared at them that they were tattoos. It had been a very long time since he had left, and few people had really looked at him; they were too busy devotedly ignoring him.

Sasuke wore his hitai-ite the same way as Naruto, and had found a pair of dark pants and a navy turtle neck shirt to wear. He had bandages along his arms, but had, thankfully not found any arm warmers. He seemed pleased that this time their disguise was as a real ninja. He didn't have to worry about a disguise. As long as he didn't activate the Sharingan in the middle of a battle, most people would just assume that he was related to Sai.

Kimimaro was wearing his hitai-ite around his neck. He was wearing a loose white shirt and dark blue pants. Looser clothing made it easier for him to use his kekkei genkai, and he hadn't bothered to hide much of anything. No one would have a clue who he was. even if he took out his whole skeleton.

Hinata had placed the genjustu that made her eyes look brown in place about three hours back. Her hitai-ite was around her neck and she was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with long tan shorts. Her arms and legs were bound by bandages and the back of her shorts was a long white square of fabric that went down to her ankles. Naruto thought that it was kind of cool, in a very odd way.

Sakura had found a red battle kimono with a gold flame pattern that she had immediately picked out. She was proudly wearing her hitai-ite as a headband, to show off her forehead. Naruto had told her not to be so obvious, people might remember her, but Sakura had ignored him and said that she wouldn't jeopardize the mission.

Gaara was still wearing his gourd, and he had found a red and grey coat to wear over black pants that made him look fairly intimidating. Then again, Gaara had a knack for looking intimidating when he wanted to. He had wrapped his hitai-ite around his gourd, but it was almost impossible to see.

Neji was wearing close to the same off-white shirt and brown pants that he had worn in Wave. Actually, he and Sai were the only ones who had done that. He wore his hitai-ite on his forehead, but didn't really seem to care too much about where it would go, since, according to him, they would have to get rid of them anyway. Naruto had to admit that he really did have a good point.

Sai was still in his black outfit. He really seemed to like it, and due to either lack of originality or lack of caring, his hitai-ite was also one his forehead.

Haku was wearing a teal colored robe, over a brown sweater with a lighter brown sash as a belt. His pants, which seemed to be the same color and material as the sweater, went down past his knees. His hair was tied back into a bun, covered by a piece of cloth, and tied with a piece of teal-colored rope, and he still looked like he really could have passed for a girl. Naruto said nothing about this, since it was a fairly touchy subject.

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