Chapter 1

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The tension in my muscles grew as we tip-toed into the deserted, single grocery store town, awaiting someone to pop out of any crevasse. Every movement of the wind or rustle of a small animal shook me to the ground, but I knew I had to keep going to grab anything I could find from the lone store that was likely already looted. Sweat had accumulated on my forehead and upper lip for most of the day - it wasn't hot outside, but the adrenaline pumping through my veins, keeping me on alert, sending my nerves into shock. My mind raced with thoughts of what could happen, but also of before. I took a deep breath, remembering how I even got here, remembering where this all started.

I boarded the train, apprehensive about why I came. Questioning if I even had fans that wanted to see me, the convention made it clear they wanted me there, along with multiple podcasts asking me to be featured on their shows. Had I become this successful after only a year? This was a passion of mine, writing and making up stories, since I was a kid. Once I posted some of my novels, they took off in an instant. At first, it was hard to get a routine of making content down, but once I had genuine fans waiting for me, it became my career. Soon I began making money, then more money, then enough to quit my lackluster desk job.

Now here I am, on a train, to this content creator convention - CreatorCon Universe. The best creators in the Universe - cliche but I'll take it. All these big names will be there – Youtubers, TikTokers, instagram influencers, a few online writers, like myself. I'm still baffled I got the invitation. I grew my following to a couple hundred thousand, which didn't seem like much compared to the other people here, but my stories became a meme, then caught on - even some of these big TikTokers made videos about some of my writing - philosophical yet humorous novels and short stories, that had yet to be published; something I was still working on.

My fame, if you can call it that, came after posting on the writersblock app when I made a serialized story about a psychological romance. Some of my other stories caught traction after that one, but it was nowhere near what some of these other creators were bringing in, leaving me surprised when I received an invitation to the convention. Maybe they were needing to fill spots? I wondered if people still came to these things. But I was proud to be one of the many.

Relieved to get a window seat, I tucked my small suitcase into the storage shelf and sat down. The train got a slow start and after a bit, the swaying motion was settling me to sleep. Reluctant, since I was hoping to get some work done, I closed my eyes for a minute. Before I could drift off I heard some commotion, then two young girls, with makeup on every inch of their beautiful, flawless faces, taped me on the shoulder; asking to switch seats with me, since theirs were in a train cabin with a bunch of Youtubers and TikTokers they didn't like. I pushed back, saying I wanted to keep my seat, but they were so frantic; I pitied them. Speculative about what I was getting myself into, I picked up my laptop bag and walked back to their abandoned seats. Both of the sweet smelling girls thanked me with desperate words, causing more worry to build up inside me.

I walked over and heard the group seated together with murmurs as I stepped into the secluded train car, wearing my knee-length cornflower blue dress. All eyes peered up at me from the group, clearly interrupting some hushed conversation they were having while staring at one of their screens. Seated across from me were four recognizable creators, with a group of their friends. Finn, with his sharp chin, and magnetic, yet goofy persona, a big name on YouTube, looked up at me. I sat with an awkward smile, as I tried to figure out if I should say something or keep my mouth shut. He smiled, making me wonder if he knew how aw struck I was, basking in the internet royalty before me. Then there was Mitchel, and Carson - Mitchel, tall, dark and handsome, with muscular arms and mysterious way about him while Carson had thick shoulder length hair and a couple tattoos showing - the funniest of the bunch and while shorter, had such presents; it was hard to ignore his hazel eyes on me.

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