Chapter 13

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We made our way to the lobby, where the rest of the group that were once rushing up the stairs in terror were now zoned into their phones and glued to the TV once again, eating the snacks I had crowed from the machines, waiting in the lobby. What they were expecting there, I didn't know. Finn and I stared at each other with what felt like a newfound respect. Even with him drenched and depleted, he impressed me with his fast thinking and reflexes. We would all be goners if it weren't for him.

Frank had a disgusted look on his face when he walked back to the lobby. He shook his head at the TV, and I heard him whisper something under his breath before running up to the undying screen and pressing the power button.

"The hell is wrong with all of you?" He began, "we're out here risking our asses, while you guys ran away. Then you have the fucking audacity to sit here and watch this shit? Are you fucking kidding me? A thank you, a drink, a snack, you could give something to show some appreciation for your lives that we saved. Because right now, I'm not even sure it was worth it. Lazy ass internet people."

The crowd all stood staring at Frank, unsure of what to do next. Some went back to looking down at their phones; the people huddled around the TV looked at each other like Frank was crazy.

"Did you hear me?" He was now standing on top of a side table. So this was the standing tall hero I was thinking of before. "If you want to stay alive, you need to fucking doing something, anything, other than being cracked out on your little pocket machines, and idiot box."

He got down and came up to me and Finn. "what the hell is wrong with these people? Did they get the virus too or something? Damn"

I was looking around to see if I could find Mitchel or Carson within the crowd, but saw the barista from before coming out from the kitchen, carrying bottled water and sandwiches with shaky hands and a blankness to her face. She placed them in front of us, didn't speak a word, and walked away. This seemed like a pass for everyone else, since afterward, someone turned on the TV and they all went back to what they were doing before.

"I think they're all looking for some sort of comfort, something that tells them this is all going to be okay, or it's over, or they found a cure."

"Yeah, I'm waiting for that too, but don't feel like sitting on my ass while the windows all crash in. You two are legit. I was able to get a hold of my mama this morning. She's safe, that's all I care about, that she's safe. And, of course, getting out of here so I can go find her."

Finn was quiet and distant. While we ate our sandwiches, we remained silent. I then remembered I didn't have a key to my room anymore, and couldn't find anyone that ran the front desk.

"Any idea how to get a key for one of the rooms?" I asked Frank.

"Well, I had a master key here somewhere, lost it earlier in the rush. I'll keep looking. Are you locked out?"

"Yeah, I didn't know what was happening and left my key in the room I was staying in." I said, while thinking I would be home by now, in my old bed that I may never see again.

Finn looked over at me, and I was waiting for him to say something that didn't come.

"Well, you got that crowbar? I'll use it to break a door down for myself. I can help you do the same." Frank said.

"I can help her." Finn replied.

After eating, we followed Frank up to the second floor while he broke open a room for himself. He made sure it was clear, then said goodnight, while handing the crow bar to me. Once Frank closed his door, Finn took it from me. "Please, just stay with me, I would feel better if you were on the top floor with me."

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