Chapter 9

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As I walked through the royal halls, making my way to the elevator, I saw Mitchel curled up in an oversized chair tucked away in a far corner of the lobby with his head stuck in a book. His glasses suited his face in a way that accentuated the sharpness of his cheekbones. With hesitation, I stood for a moment wondering if I should say hi but before I could consider it; he looked up from his book and stared at me. At first, I don't think he recognized me, but a brightness came to his eyes. With a disbelieved expression on his face, I walked over to him.

"You look amazing Poppy, really, I mean, wow," he said, while getting up to stand, looking me up and down, holding out his arms toward my body.

I blushed, "Thank you. Why didn't you go?" I asked, seeing that he casually dressed in jeans and a shirt that was too tight around his arms.

"Ah, I've been to these things for a few years now. It's never been fun for me. Had I known you were going dressed like that, I might have changed my mind, " he said with a flirtatious smile.

I let out a small laugh. "It was really fun getting to know you, Mitchel. If I'm ever invited to one of these things again, I would love to see you again."

"Yeah, it's been really great talking with you Poppy, you're really something else. What are you doing right now? Can you go get a drink?"

", I need to get packed and ready to go tomorrow." I lied.

"What? You're leaving tomorrow, in the middle of the convention?"He asked with a worried face.

"I think they need my room for another creator to come in," I said with a giggle. "I'm not a big enough name to keep all week."

His expression turned somber. "Can we have one drink together tonight, or coffee, or something, please? Have you eaten dinner or dessert?"

Knowing I needed to meet Finn upstairs, I made a deal. "How about we meet for coffee early in the morning? You can see me off."

"No, come on, that won't give us enough time."

"Mitchel, I can't tonight, okay? I'll see you in the morning." I said as I walked away and waved at the disappointed man now standing behind me, hoping he wasn't too hurt.

Making my way to the elevator, and as I ascended, the butterflies in my stomach quivered. With wonder, my mind started ruminating on what I was going up here to; along with the dread of the possibility that nothing but darkness awaited me. Remembering times when I was young, believing someone I thought cared about me, only to be left waiting in vain as they never appeared.

As the doors opened to the rooftop of the building, a cool breeze greeted me, and I gazed at the nearby clouds against the backdrop of the dark sky above. I saw the small garden area to the left, lit up with string lights and candles, with a view of the entire city. A bottle of wine sat with two tall glasses on a wooden tray. And Finn, still in his well-fitted tuxedo against his slim but powerful body, smiled at me as I reached out for his hand, awaiting mine. His eyes were sparkling in the candlelight as he poured the wine into our delicate glasses and offered one to me. We both spoke in an almost whisper as our faces grew closer to each other. He laughed to ease my nervousness, and I too, giggled back when he made flirtatious jokes.

After some small talk, we ended up on the same lounge chair, close enough to be touching, but our legs sat an inch from one another; in my mind, I wondered if he would also rather be even closer. With the twinkle in his eye from the glisten of the moon, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Before long, he took his hand in mine, warming it - making me feel how much I was wanted here, and how cold my hands had become.

He glanced at my lips, then met my eyes, with an intensity I had yet to sense in the past. Drawing his mouth near mine, a loud bang sprang from behind us, making us both jump in our seats. It was Carson, and his friends, flinging the door open and hollering at the dark sky - wondering if they thought they would be to themselves up here, as we did. The look on Finn's face said everything. He glared at Carson holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand while yelling, "Hey guys, didn't know you were up here! It's after party time." His friends all cheered while they took over the seats and set up shots of vodka on the decorated table Finn had set out for us. The flowers atop of it - in an accident - had gotten elbowed to the ground.

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