Chapter 2

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Grabbing our luggage from the trunk, we walked in together. The hotel being peak of luxury, with golden accents, hardwood floors and pristine furniture surrounding the check in booth and lounge. There was a swanky, dark lit bar and restaurant on the first floor, and a hipster cafe around the corner. Along with multiple grand convention rooms, with fancy carpets and chandeliers. Finn acted like this was merely another place, since to him to probably was, but I was in heaven. I was shocked again, how I ended up here. Plus, another revelation came to me - people were here to see me? My head was swimming with anxiety; what if my fans met me and didn't like me?

I checked into my room at the front desk, they handed me a room card, which wasn't just a room; They gave me a suite with a full kitchen, stocked with everything I could possibly want. The tab for any food eaten or wine drank was on the convention.

Finn and I rode in the posh elevator, and we waved goodbye as I stepped off onto the 7th floor and made my way to my room. It included a king-sized bed, a living room area, delicate and meticulously styled, plus a Jacuzzi bath and large extravagant shower. I told myself this is how I know I've made it. The smile couldn't disappear from my face. I couldn't believe this was my life. Even though short-lived, I wondered if this was the height of my career.

I threw my suitcase on the bed and unzipped it. Sitting on top of my clothing was the necklace my mother gave me the day before she died. It was a gold chain with a pendant that had an angel holding a compass on it. My mom explained it was the angel of protection and navigation; it was to steer me in the right direction, and protect me along the way, no matter how treacherous. I couldn't help but think my mother would have been so proud to see me here, since she was the reason I posted my writing to begin with. I had only shared my words with her back then. She cried and got angry along with my characters; she said my stories needed to be read.

After she died, about a year ago now, my dad was heartbroken, same with my brother, since he still lived at home. Neither of them coped well, since they had a difficult time emoting, most times they would sit watching TV together, spending days not saying a word. They're still like this. I would make sure my brother was doing his homework and eating, but my heart crushed every time I left, knowing how much unresolved pain they were in. Coming on this trip meant leaving them behind. I told myself the angel hanging from the chain, along with my mother, were watching over me; also, I would only be away for less than a week.

I shook off the memories of my family and put on the necklace. With only an hour until I had to get to my first meet and greet: I showered, put on my long green dress, brushed my copper colored hair, took deep breaths until my mind went fuzzy, then stepped out of my suite door.

The room where everyone met with their beloved creators was so packed it was hard to move. Fans wrapped around in long lines, waiting with items in their hands, hoping to get signed. My heart accelerated. I told myself I could do this, took a few more deep breaths, and walked to my table. It had a sign with "Poppy" written across it. When I sat down, I saw my own long line of energy filled smiley faces waiting for me. Hoping the three boxes of my printed books I had mailed here would be enough for everyone. I got them out and sat them on the table, calling up the first young girl. She stepped up with a giddy screech. One by one, I signed books, stuffed animals, casts, faces, and various other trinkets. All my fans were amazing. I had never felt so much love in my life. Beside myself with disbelieve that I could move that many minds. With joy and admiration, I signed every fan's souvenir, spoke with them, and gave many hugs. When I was done, I realized it had been about three hours. The room had cleared out, and my stomach was grumbling.

It was about 11pm at this point. I saw the restaurant wasn't busy, so I went to my room to grab my computer, and came back to sit in a corner booth, hoping to get a little writing done while eating some dinner. The menu was decadent, with things I had never even heard of. I asked the waiter to bring me the best thing the chef cooked. They brought back a medium rare steak, with chimichurri sauce, and a potato mash, spread across the plate like they painted it on with a delicate hand. Nibbling on the dish while I cracked open my computer, the waiter came by multiple times, asking if I wanted anything else. With a need to ease the tension in my shoulders, I ask for a 7&7.

I looked at some people moving in and out of the hotel and seated throughout the restaurant. I felt out of place in my green maxi dress, as everyone else had ripped jeans and crop tops on. While I was never one to be into fashion or trends, I thought if I were to try to be cooler than I was, this would be the place to portray it. Thinking I could grab a few things tomorrow; I eased back into my writing while waiting for my drink to relieve my nerves and mind.

The drink calmed me into a laser focus, and before I knew it, I looked at the clock—it was 2am. Surprised that no one seemed fazed by the time, I asked the waiter how late they were open, who, with a chuckle, said 24 hours- reminding me how far I was from home now.

I wrote for a bit then noticed Finn walking in, looking as though he couldn't sleep. Before I could type out another few words, he sat himself across from me. His face felt so familiar, and his presents brought a comfort I didn't know I was craving.

"So are you a night owl?' he asked.

"Didn't realize how late it was getting," I said. "Why are you awake?"

"I can never seem to sleep anymore. Traveling has me all messed up. My doctor gave me these pills to take, but they make me feel weird, so I endure the sleeplessness. If my body doesn't want to sleep, why should I force it?"

Thinking about it, I say back, "Yeah, you're probably right, except for being miserable the next day. I have trouble sleeping too." Finn didn't have his engagement ring on, I noticed. I knew he was engaged; I saw the beautiful video announcement on Youtube he posted. He saw me looking at his hand. "Is it only travel that is keeping you awake?" I asked.

He sighed, then looked at the table for a minute. "Eh, no." He touched his ring finger. "I was hoping no one would notice. I don't want the field day when it gets out. She left me for someone else." With a defeated expression, he kept going, "I knew something was different with her, but yeah, that was it," he said while shifting in his seat," he actually told me before she did."

"Wow, I would have never guessed. I'm so sorry." Unsure about what else to say, I put my hand on his. "That's really unfair. Life is so fucking unfair."

He nodded, but didn't shoo away my hand. I got the feeling he missed tenderness. "Yeah... yeah. I think I'm getting out of the woods of it though, you know, it was like six months ago; I still can't sleep very well, but it doesn't hit me in the stomach as bad as it used to. But what about you? Why aren't you sleeping?" he said, trying to change the subject back to me.

My chest tightened at the thought of talking about myself, which I hated doing. I also hated talking about things that bothered me, dreading an emotional outburst. "My mom," I said before catching myself, holding back the tears until my head ached, "uh, she died last year, we were close. My dad and brother haven't been the same since. Oh, that reminds me, I didn't call them!" Rushing to grab my phone to notice the time, now 3 am.

"Life is really fucking unfair, Poppy," he said while staring me straight in the eyes.

My mind stopped for a moment. Lost in his presence, the tears ran down my cheeks with soft touches. Embarrassed that I hadn't been able to keep them back.

"Sorry," he whispered with a knowing glance.

How could I let myself cry in a place like this? In front of someone like him? He must think I'm insane. My mind filled with harsh thoughts before he changed the subject, laughing at how fast it felt like you knew someone after getting to know them on the internet first, and asking how amazing it was to meet fans. Once he got me talking again, I forgot about home, and all the worries left there. We giggled at each other's awkward stories and spoke about our mundane quirks. Before I knew it, I looked down at my phone, noticing it was 6 am.

"Oh geez, I guess it's time for coffee. Did I really stay up all night?" I said, detecting the tiredness in my eyes.

"Yeah, I guess we did. You're on the panel with me this morning, right?"

"Oh yeah, I do have one. I had no idea we were on it together." I said, astonished that I would be in the same group as Finn - he had over fifty million followers; me being nowhere close to that. In his presence, he came off as calm and down to earth, not anything like what you would expect. I thought he would be arrogant and full of himself, as some people here seemed to be. He held himself as though his success was nothing.

We got up, and as I closed my computer, it reminded me I got a lot less work done than I was expecting. We strolled to the modern cafe. The iced coffee swept away the tiredness that I knew would sneak up on me. Finn waved with a sweet smile as we went our separate ways to get ready for the day.

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