
40 3 8

Word count: 1361

Prompt: Sweater


• This ends sad, yes, because I like sad endings. But it all works out, don't you worry💗💌

• I don't usually write Peter, sorry for this🤷🏻

• This is my own storyline and so the things that happen may not make sense to all- but it only matters that they make sense to some😉 ( StorySnippets and SaharaCastine I'm looking at you🕺🏻)

• Some of these stories are a bit rushed, sorry🐿️


Crickets could be heard chirping outside, and the wind fluttered through the night sky and made their house feel extra chilly.

It was late, but responsibilities still had to be done- and one of those things was washing the dishes since Mum was gone; dead.

He tried not to linger on the thought of his parents. That only ever made things worse.

Stepping up onto the stool, Peter pushed the stack full of plates back into their position in the cupboard, smelling the aroma of wood from the cabinet and the scent of chocolate from the cake they'd had for dessert.

He dusted off his hands and scooted backward off of the stool and onto the floor.

Now that the dishes were done, he could finally sit down and relax, get himself a cup of tea, and...

There stood Edmund with a plate in his hands, his dark hair a disheveled mess, and his blue sweater one size too big.

Peter sighed, "I'll take it."

How did his siblings always manage to wait until he was finished with whatever task he was doing before they piled something else to do on top?

"Sorry," Ed apologized, coming nearer and handing the plate to his brother sideways, crumbs falling into a tiny pile on the floor, "If I had known earlier I would've given this to you before you washed the dishes."
Intently gazing at the pile of crumbs, he sheepishly twisted a foot.

He could say sorry for the most frivolous, light-hearted things, but never for the things that Peter needed to hear him say it for. And that was all too late now anyway.

Shaking his head and laughing a bit to hide his hurting heart, Pete waved a hand, "It's no big deal."

Edmund turned to leave, but Peter cleared his throat, "But... you could help me...?" He gestured to the one plate he had placed in the sink.

If had to do all this work, and then be interrupted with more work, his brother could certainly help.

After all, tomorrow was a work day for Peter, he needed to get to bed soon. Or not, what did it really matter?

With a roll of his eyes, Ed wandered over and slouched against the sink, towel in hand, "Fine, but, hurry, I have things to do."

Peter nodded and gently turned on the sink, watching as the water ran into the small, metal tub, and he inspected the clear liquid as it trickled down the drain.

"I said, hurry?" Grabbing the towel and getting ready to dry the dish, Edmund narrowed his eyes and flung the towel in a circle over and over, signaling that he was waiting.

Putting the dish under the water, Pete scrubbed at the chocolate cake stains on the plate, his fingers smoothing over the porcelain.

Suddenly, Ed grew unexplainably quiet and he stopped spinning the towel around.

"Timeless" - Narnian Autumn Writing Challenge - Oneshot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now