Murder of Zain's parents

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Language, some sex references.
Read on your own terms

If any spellings are wrong, if anything is wrong, it's written by the main character, Zain.

I was just a child when I lost my family... the death of them still haunts me today, and I'm a 18 year old lad. I don't want to talk about their death, but to understand how I got where I am today, I got to go to the root of my assassin career.

My father, he had a limp on his left leg, like some had beaten his leg. But the thing is, he was shot in the leg a few months back, and his teacher said to him to take a break. He had his hair flicked to the side like a cow or horse licked it to the side. He was also in his late 50s. My mother she was younger than my father, way younger. If I remember correctly, she was bout 20 something, 30 something. She was the type of woman that any man would go for... well, for sex anyway. She didn't care how rough or soft it was just as long as she gets dicked down. But since my father came along she weren't as slutty as she used to. Might be because he calmed her down... then again, they were married for 10 years now. However, my brothers they both 9, and my sister was 8. My brother James he was the type of one you could talk to on the Internet but in person he's shy as fuck. He was about 4'5 had a little amount of muscle but was fast on his feet he wore a tracksuit which he was going to wear when he went out with his friends he always said "They all are like brothers from another mother. I love 'em all so much!". My other brother josh he wasn't like the target I had to kill, which I'll tell you later on. He was smaller than James by about a foot or so, but daymn, he's the type you could sit down and talk to for hours. And my sister Annie, well Annibell she was almost taller than Josh. At the age of 8, she wore a pink tracksuit, which she loved and didn't want to take off. You hug her and feel like all your problems will go away.

Back to the year 2010, where a 10 year old boy lost all of his family in a blink, like... they were killed by one of my own. He broke into the house and ignored me like... he had one, well two, but I wasn't a threat to him then, target. I heard screaming and someone shouting a name like they all knew him, which the name was Aiden Mithra. I snuck upstairs as quietly as possible and saw my brothers and sister trying to breathe... they were choking on their own blood. I saw a deep cut in my sisters' thraot like she never had the chance to scream. My brothers had put up a fight like they knew who they were fighting. My mother... she had her heart ripped out and shoved down her throat.

Aiden picked me up and kept a watchful eye on me I was keep having nightmares cause of it. All I know is my mentor Aiden Aborforth said that there was an assassin that went rouge, but that was in the 18' hundreds, so it couldn't be him... or could it. There was a theory that the rouge assassin never died and still killing assassins to this day. I was 10 and been told that the that my parents were assassins themselves. I didn't believe it. Until I saw their signatures of a piece of paper saying, "Nothing is true, everything is permitted. The Creed is a simple one, but it absolutely must be obeyed. Three simple tenets: stay one's blade from the flesh of the innocent; draw not attention to oneself whenever possible; and never compromise the brotherhood."
I had hit 16 and saw a hot chick out on the streets. I jus wanted to walk past and carry on with my contract but she didn't know I had one and was a killer so she came up to me and startled me I turned and plunged the blade in-between her eyes. Well she dressed like a slut so she'll be killed one day but she wouldn't know what day she'll die on.

I reached the location of where one of the suspects that killed my family which the police let go. But something wasn't right... the feeling I was getting was like I need to leave but I wanted to kill the pussy for killing two children. So I knocked on the door and a woman opened.
"Hello, how can I help." She asked.
"Hi, I'm with the police tracking down on a murderer that might live here, the names Josh Kurken, know 'im?" I asked.
Seemed like she hesitated but answered back eventually "No sorry" with that she shut the door and went back inside. I was determined to catch the prick so I climbed onto the roof and found an open window so as quiet as I could I snuck in with my sleep darts and put the children to sleep while they were playing. The woman was coming up and with a familiar voice asked: "Baby who was at the door?"
"Some kid claiming to work for the police trying to track a murderer who lived here." She answered back.
"Sarah... the police don't recruit kids..."
"What do you mean?" She asked with a bit of concern.
With that I struck the Sarah with the sleep dart and went for Josh, which I tortured him for information.
"Where's the rouge assassin that killed my family?" I asked with a bit of happiness about my first contract. "If you don't tell me I'll line all your family up and kill them all in front of you and kill them one-by-one and you would be beggin' me to kill you. Either you tell me or you'll have no family, mate."
"The Last place I know him last was at the old assassin compound trying to look for something they call..."
"The piece of Adam isn't it?" I asked
"Yeah. Why?"
With that I took out my suppressed pistol and shot him in between the eyes.

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