My home

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I turn around and look at Nikki and Jess. They were wide-eyed due to me killing another vampire.
"You- you killed one of your own, baby!" Said Nikki scared.
"Didn't have a choice, Nikki. He would have killed all those who were a threat to him and to him preventing him from being the mentor." I said back, unfazed.
Nikki had a worried look on her face when she realised that I had changed when I picked up the pistol and holstered the pistol.
"Zain, put the fucking pistol down, now!" Exclaimed Nikki. "Otherwise, we're done!"
I look at Nikki with almost tears in my eyes for the second time.
"Fine. I'll put it down." I said sadly.
"Thank you."
Jess had seen the attitude change when I had put down the pistol.
"I see now." She said. "Pick it back up."
I picked it back up, and my attitude changed.
"The fuck you looking at?" I asked angerly.
"Put it down, or we're over!" Nikki demanded.
I put down the pistol and went over to Nikki and hugged her.
"I'm sorry, Nikki. I don't know what came over me." I apologised with tears almost in my eyes.
"It's alright. Only pick that pistol up when you need it most." Nikki said.
"Nikki. Zain. I'm sorry. I was just trying to test my theory." Jess said.
"It's alright, Jess. If you did it, I would've done the same thing." I said.
We all get back into the car, all except for Jess because she is now the new leader for the assassin's.
"Jess. You are now the new leader of the assassin's." I said with a grin on my face. "And Nikki, you going to lead the Hellfire with me."
"Wait, I'm going to lead Hellfire with you?" She asked.
"Yes, yes you are." I replied.
She increased her grip when she hugged, and then she kissed me.
Me and Nikki headed into the and decided to build a compound.
Both me and Nikki heard like a bike or a tuned up car coming down the drive. When the car stopped, Christian came out of the car with someone we hadn't seen before.
"Nikki, Zain. I would like you all to meet Dante."

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