Ben 10 vs Vilgax showdown

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Ben 10 and Vilgax locked eyes, their tension palpable.

Vilgax:Tennyson, so you came to surrender yourself?sneered Vilgax.

Ben 10:You wish, I came to stop you.Ben retorted.

Vilgax:How, if your Omnitrix is useless without your piece, you were too ignorant to know what happens when you don't have it.Vilgax taunted.

Ben 10:Oh, I already know, and I've got it back, it's good as new, thanks to a certain someone.Ben smirked, revealing his repaired Omnitrix.

Vilgax:I will rip that Omnitrix off you by any means necessary.Vilgax clenched his fists, determination in his eyes.

Ben 10:I'd like to see you try.Ben smirked back.

Owlette:Ben...Owlette approached, her and Eagle Owl both injured.

Owlette:Kick his butt.she encouraged him, with a smirk, before leaving with Eagle Owl.

Ben and Vilgax stood locked in a standoff, each ready to make their move.

Vilgax suddenly lunged at Ben, but Ben quickly selected an alien and pressed down on his Omnitrix.

Ben transformed into Wildvine and leaped away before Vilgax could grab him.

In mid-air, Wildvine threw black, pod-like projectiles from his back, causing a powerful explosion that engulfed Vilgax.

Wildvine landed safely, with dust in the air.

Ben 10:Ha, that was easy.he quipped, dusting himself off.

To everyone's surprise, Vilgax emerged from the smoke, grabbed Wildvine by the head, and slammed him into the ground, then flung him toward a nearby rock, creating another cloud of dust.

Pj Masks watched in concern, but a green light flashed from the dust, and Ben transformed into Eye Guy, shooting eye lasers at Vilgax, Vilgax dodged the lasers, baffled.

Vilgax:How did you unlock the secret!?Vilgax questioned.

Ben 10:That certain someone also gave me temporary access to the master control, totally cornea, right?Ben 10 responded.

Eye Guy continued firing eye lasers, some of which hit Vilgax, furious, Vilgax rushed at Eye Guy and punched him in the central eye on his chest, causing Eye Guy to cry out in pain.

Eye Guy:MY EYE!!!he cried out in pain, Vilgax started to punch him everywhere in the eyes.

A green flash happened again and Vilgax looked and seen nothing.

Suddenly he screamed in pain, on his right arm, when he looked at what caused it he seen Grey Matter biting his arm.

Ben 10:Heads up!Ben warned him, Another green flash, and Ben became Cannonbolt. He transformed into a ball and struck Vilgax on the head, sending him to the ground.

Cannonbolt relentlessly pummeled Vilgax.

Ben 10:Do you give up yet?he asked while still pummeling him.

Vilgax surprisingly grabbed Cannonbolt with one hand, refusing to give in.

Vilgax:Not even close.Vilgax declared, and delivered a massive punch, launching Cannonbolt into the air.

A green flash turned Ben into Ditto, who immediately split into numerous copies.

Ben 10:GUYS GET HIM!!!he commanded, All the Ditto clones tackled Vilgax, attempting to immobilize him.

Vilgax:Pitiful!Vilgax sneered, breaking free from the clones.

The Dittos merged back into one, then transformed into Ripjaws.

Ben 10:Water..need water...he exclaimed, struggling to breathe without water, Ripjaws knelt, gasping for air

Vilgax:How pathetic.he dismissed, him walking towards Ripjaws causally.

Vilgax:That's idiotic even for you, Tennyson.right near Ben and lifting him up by the neck and slowly started to squeeze it.

Vilgax:Why would you even turn into a pathetic Piscciss Volann weakling.Vilgax remarked, squeezing Ripjaws' neck harder. smirked through his struggle.

his menacing countenance twisted in confusion, without warning, Catboy's Cat Stripes ensnared him, forcing Vilgax to release Ben, startled, Vilgax glanced over his shoulder to spot Catboy, still looking battered and worn, having bound him with his Cat Stripes.

Catboy:Owlette, Gekko, it's your turnCatboy called out to them, With beads of sweat trickling down his brow and struggling to maintain his grip on the Cat Stripes

Owlette, her wings aching and Gekko, still nursing their injuries, swooped in. Gekko extended his arm, allowing Catboy to grasp it along with his Cat Stripes. Owlette, despite her own pain, powered through, carrying the trio into the sky.

Gekko:Now time for some..SUPER GEKKO MUSCLES!!!Gekko exclaimed, He yanked the Cat Stripes upwards, hoisting Vilgax into the air.

Owlette, struggling to stay aloft, fought against her own injuries, she held onto Gekko, who clung to Catboy, who was carrying out the daring rescue, with immense effort, they ascended, taking Vilgax with them.

Catboy:Okay, Pj Masks, let's do this!Catboy cried out, gritting his teeth, Owlette propelled them closer to Vilgax, and Gekko flexed his Super Gekko Muscles to launch Catboy towards their adversary.

As Catboy neared Vilgax, he unleashed a powerful punch to the villain's face, and Gekko quickly followed up with another forceful blow, Owlette then delivered a precise kick to Vilgax's face, a harmonious symphony of teamwork.

Catboy:Now, Pj Masks, let's end this!Catboy, declared,  the trio descended in unison, their synchronized fists delivering a series of devastating blows to Vilgax's face, sending him hurtling to the ground at breakneck speed.

Vilgax collided with the earth's surface, creating a deep crater, though severely battered, Vilgax struggled to rise but refused to give in.

Vilgax:It will take more than that to defeat me...he declared, Despite the brutal impact, though he was visibly weakened.

Ben 10:Will this do the trick?Ben 10 transformed into Four Arms and landed several punches on Vilgax's face, bringing the alien warlord to his knees.

Then, Four Arms wound up for a powerful gut punch, launching Vilgax far into the distance.

Vilgax crashed into his ship, creating a Vilgax-shaped hole.

Ben 10:Now, let's get rid of Vilgax once and for all.Ben said, transforming into Way Big. 

With ease, Way Big lifted Vilgax's ship, preparing to hurl it into the depths of space, he wound up like a baseball pitcher, sending the vessel on an irreversible journey into the cosmos.

Way Big dust off his hands and a red flash shined and he reverted back into normal Ben.

Ben 10:Phew!he sat down, panting in relief.

Gekko:You ok Ben?Gekko asked, him and Catboy were gently lowered to the ground by Owlette.

Ben 10:Yeah, I'm fine, but you guys were incredible up there, giving Vilgax a real beatdown.Ben replied.

Catboy:You were pretty great with those alien transformations.Catboy returned the compliment.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(Sorry to break up the celebration, but we have unfinished business on Earth involving the Speedy Twins.).PJ Robot interjected

Owlette:Oh yeah, Pj Riders, you think you can give us a final ride back to Earth?Owlette asked, as the Pj Riders came and nodded.

Catboy:Okay, Pj Masks, let's go!Catboy said, They all hopped on the Pj Riders, which quickly disappeared with a bright glow, taking them back to Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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