Oh my

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"EDDY!! ARE YOU AWAKE YET? IT'S 7AM." Redy is hammering on my door. I groan, opening my eyes.

"I'M AWAKE NOW!" I shout back clearly annoyed. I just sit in my bed for a few seconds trying to wake myself up. A few huffs later and I finally make my way to the bathroom. A quick shower, some light makeup and I'm already feeling much better. Now the question is what to wear? It's my first dance class so let's go simple. I put on some black cargo pants, a white t-shirt and a grey sweater on top. Finally I throw on my chucks, grab my bag and phone and head to the kitchen.

"I made toast. You want one Eds?" Redy is nibbling on one while holding the other in my direction.

"Yeah, thanks. I like the new nickname." I take the toast and put it in my mouth, holding it with my teeth so that I can get a bottle of water from the fridge. I place the bottle in my bag and head out the kitchen. "Thanks for the breakfast. I gotta go but do you want to grab lunch later?" I shout from the entrance.

"Sure, bring Tatter along too. Just text me when ya'll are done." She shouts back, peeking out the kitchen. I give her a thumbs up and leave. In the lift I check to see if Tatter has texted me yet.



Hey, I'm at the school entrance


K. I'll be there in 5


I leave the lobby and cross over the street. Thankfully our apartment is basically right opposite of the Uni. I enter the school grounds and spot the blonde immediately.

"Good morning Tatter." I embrace the girl quickly and we start heading inside.

"Morning Eddy. Are you excited for today?"

"I don't really know what to expect so no, not really." I laugh, feeling kinda nervous now.

"I'm sure it's gonna be fun. I mean Bada is an extremely good dancer. She is quite known in Korea." Tatter rambles on but I barely listen to her. My anxiety starting to creep up again. We make it to the dance studio and enter. To my surprise there are a lot more people than expected. We are probably around 50 people in here. Tatter and I drop our bags at the back and find a place to warm up.

"I didn't think so many people would be here."

"Me neither. I'm surprised." I look towards Tatter while continuing to stretch. I do some of my ballet warm-ups earning a surprised look from the blonde.

"Wahhh.. you are so flexible. That's amazing." A blush makes its way up my cheeks. 10 minutes pass and what I assume to be the teacher comes in.

"Hello everyone I'm your teacher Lee Bada. But please feel free to call me by my first name. I see we are a rather big group this year. We'll see how many of you will still be here by the end of this semester. As this is an extra curriculum you won't be getting marks but this doesn't mean that you can slack off. Only the ones of you who do the effort will get a certificate at the end of the year. The others... well they'll have wasted an entire year. So don't slack off. The ones who are here because they had to fill up their timetable... I don't expect you to do good, but you have to attend each lesson. Just come by after class and let me know and then you are free to use this time to study for other subjects. If you have any questions just shout them out and we'll tackle it right away. Also I don't want to taste time every lesson taking attendance, so I'll hang a list by the door and when you come just check your name off. Now without further-ado, let's start this lesson. Ya'll have already warmed up, yes?" WOW. Redy's sister is tall. She could pass for a dude easily. The way she's built and her style scream TOMBOY. She for sure has a girlfriend. Like her vibe is 'for the girls'.

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