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On the top of a strange and probably really high mountain...or just maybe the highest floor on the empire state building. After you sneak pass the guards and see the welcome to mount olympus sign. You would discover the home of the immortal, powerful and strange Olympians. The Greek gods which control the forces of nature and human endeavors.

In olympus the are many types of gods there is the god of thunder Zeus, who single handedly tried to boost the population of earth (if you know what I mean*wink*),Hera the goddess of marriage and child birth, Hades the god of riches and the underworld, Poseidon the god of the sea and horses, Artemis the goddess of good hunt, Aphrodite the goddess of love and lust, Demeter the goddess of Agriculture, Athena the goddess of intelligence and hand craft, Ares the god of war, and 'blah blah blah'(way to many gods to write).

Only this story isn't about the gods of the old but the new gods, one of these gods is a god of life his name is Leonidas.

A child formed by an unholy union between Zeus (typical) and Aphrodite.

He is an unusual god . Instead of spending his days training or chasing after mortal women, he prefers staying in the garden of Demeter or trying to hide from his dad and crazy brother Ares in an attempt evade training.

He was the olympian equivalent of a hippie, except for the weed part, he hates the smell of smoke.


At the gardens of olympus, Zeus has instructed his son's personal and most skilled guard 'Thoas',to undertake one of the most dangerous assignment an immortal olympian can undertake...watching Leonidas.

Thoas was a past hero from ancient Greece which Zeus had reward with immortality and a place in olympus. Thoas looked like a typical ageless 20 something year old, with slightly tanned skin, short, crew cut ,reddish-brown hair, freckles, bright metallic grey eyes, slashed eyebrows and a sarcastic voice.

"Leonidas get down from that tree" Thoas yells with all his might, He stares angrily at a figure at the top of a redwood. Thoas stomps hard on the ground, then gently dusts his red and black leather uniform.

"Why should I, Thoas?" Leonidas spits back. "I'm immortal it's not like I would fall and die, plus besides this tree is telling me about it's day".

"Well, your father gave me specific orders to bring you back at the coming of noon...in one piece", Thoas says with a raised eyebrow, "So desist from the strange....tree conversation".

"Well tell him you failed and I went missing or something, because I'm not coming down from this tree", yells Leonidas in a childish voice.

Thoas frowns in frustration and angerly starts yelling some words in Greek, the olympian simply giggles at Thoas's dilemma.He was frustrated, had been yelling to Leonidas like this for two hours straight.

"Leonidas", he says in a strange calm voice, Leonidas stares back in response, "If you don't climb down this instant, I will chop down your tree and every other tree in this garden with freaking teeth if I have to", he yells in rage filled aggression, almost foaming.