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It had been a full hour since the Arena showdown....the place had become partially deserted, most if not all of the Olympians had left the area . The only things left were empty seats, numerous snack wrappers and a horde of royal servants, who angrily clean the littered environment.

The cleaners silently mutter curses as they sweep away pieces of trash left behind by the preceding occupants .They all wear frowns as they rummage through the trash heaps, wondering if the gods had become part swine !

At the heart of the arena the remaining servants start to correct damages left behind by the previous scuffle, they start to rebuild, cement and paint the damage walls, while some mow away the stray vines and other assorted vegetation .

Bit by bit the coliseum starting to look like it's old self and within some short minutes the place is restored back to it's former glory.

Upon finishing the repair crew quickly file out through the doors and like cockroaches they disperse to various corners , not wanting to risk being seen and called upon once again ( lazy slackers ).

As the final servant slams the door behind him, silence slowly falls upon the arena. The only sounds that can be heard is the wind gently blowing between the chairs and the muffled sounds of noises coming from within one of the Arena's rooms.

" ow, ow, ow, stop you're hurting me...are you sure you know anything about healing ? ", Leonidas loudly wails as Artemis slowly removes the pocket knife from his shoulder , the goddess frowns then yanks out the blade , " owww....I was only kidding, jeez...and I thought Enyo was the one with a temper ", Leonidas glares at the ginger as she places the weapon on a desk , Artemis rows her eyes and cuts a piece of gauze .

" Well Enyo isn't the one trying to bandage your arm, so quit your whining and hold still ", Artemis firmly places the gauze on the cut then picks up a roll of bandage, Leonidas winces as she begins to dress the wound , " ugh, don't be such a baby...what's next you'd tell me to kiss your ouchie ? ", Artemis mockingly puckers up and makes kissing noises, Leonidas responds with a low growl.

" I don't know...do you want to kiss it ? you did get me to take off my robe ", Leonidas smugly snorts and gestures to his shirtless and partially bandaged torso, the hunts goddess blushes then coughs , " I'm sure doing that would fulfilling your wildest dreams ", Leonidas blinks at the huntress with alluring eyes ( Anime glittery background moment, Ahhooyyy !!! ).

" Hahaha, you wish and besides if you were in my dreams you would probably be game...and no game ever escapes this huntress ", Artemis says in a phoney threatening voice then playfully shoves the boy, Leonidas giggles and returns the gestures, " oh, it's so on ", Artemis crouches preparing to pounce.

" knock it off you two, there is still work to be done ! ", Athena firmly says as she wraps the bandage around the life god's forehead, Artemis sighs then resumes dressing the wound .

" exactly, remember why we came here in the first place....Don't worry Leonidas, we will soon be done ", Demeter beams at the teen and fastens the loss bandages around his chest.

Leonidas smiles as he sees the three working goddesses , he was happy that people cared enough to organize time for him.

After the match had ended, the on-looking Olympian banded together and carted a frail Leonidas away from the Arena floor. They all lift him into a nearby room , where his major wounds were tended too and he was intensively congratulated on his achievement . The environment slowly becomes lively as more gods start to appear at every corner, minutes start to row by as the room is thrown in festivity .