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The lights are dark, faint chortling can be heard in the background. Then suddenly the lights flicker to life, illuminating a red box shaped stage with three large flat screens hung along it's edges and four plush red couches situated on the platform. On the back wall there are two golden doors with stairs leading down to the stage.

The doors swing open and a gorgeous woman struts down to the platform, her sparkling red dress gently flows in the wind as she paces forward.

She stops as she reaches the center of the stage, she smiles and turns to crowd of demi gods, Olympians, titans and monsters seated in front of her.

" Hello audience ", she coos and beams to the faces watching in the seats anterior of her.

Her appearance cycles through various features as each audience member pictures their perfect woman. She tosses her hair over her shoulder and sits on the farthest chair.

" Welcome to the New Olympus talk show ! I am your lovely host, Aphrodite ! ", she says with allure and blinks her eyelashes imploringly, " on this show, our favorite new Olympians come in and we discuss the aftermath of the thrilling, new series...NEW OLYMPUS ",

she giggles as the spectators responds with an uproar of applause.

" he he he, we are all huge fans of the ' new ' on going show ! But before I announce who will be coming up, I must remind you that eating other beings is strictly prohibited ! ", she loudly says and waggles her finger at a Drakon with a still kicking leg sticking out of it's mouth, the creature hisses and slowly regurgitates the now petrified and moist demigod, " Anyway the first new olympian on the show is our personal favorite....LEONIDAS ! ".

The audience bursts into an applause as Leonidas appears from a door beside the stage. The life god looks sightly in his green jacket , simple white T-shirt, brown cargo jeans and black sandals. He smiles and buoyantly strides to the platform, As he reaches the dais he winks and blows a kiss at the audience. This causes an instant increase in the intensity of applause and squealing, some female (including a few male) fans to pass out from the sheer excitement. Leonidas lightly laughs and lowers himself on a seat beside the love goddess.

" oh that's my Leony...always knows how to make his presence known, like mother, like son eh ? ", Aphrodite jovially says and the crowd respond with definite nods, Leonidas playfully rolls his eyes , " But unfortunately we are not here to talk about how cute we both are, we are here to talk about the series ", Aphrodite sighs with some disappointment and a hushed silence falls on the audience.

" Then what are we waiting for? Ask me related of course ", Leonidas slowly says and gestures for the goddess to begin, Aphrodite shoots him a cheeky smile.

" I see your match with Ares has boosted your enthusiasm, but my questions maybe tougher than you think ! ", Aphrodite giggles and places a finger on her lips, Leonidas gulps as he sees a glint of mischief in the goddess's eyes.

" is it too late for me to back out and leave, I don't really need to be here during interview right ? ", Leonidas nervously asks and slowly starts twirling a lock of his hair, Aphrodite smiles then shakes her head.

" For the forty fifth time, yes you do dear ! ", Aphrodite says with some firmness, Leonidas groans and sinks into his chair, " Don't be like might actually enjoy it, Anyhow my first question is simple.....Leonidas...what are you wearing ? ", Aphrodite points at the teen's attire.

" what's wrong with what I'm wearing ? ", Leonidas asks in a coy tone and examining himself, Aphrodite remains unmoved, " ugh, clearly won't stop till I say something , this was really all I could find...since my suit and other clothes got...sorta stolen ".