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Later on that day Leonidas wakes up with a loud yawn, he runs a hand through his rough ever changing hair, he slowly looks around his room....he pauses as he notices the time on his clock, it reads 2:37 pm...in other words he was late. Later than Kronos's apology to his children for eating them, later than even Artemis's puberty.

He jumps off his bed and frantically dashes out of his room, runs through the open door. He stops as he arrives at the stair way and then decides to take a shorter route, he charges and lunges out of his open window and lands on the lawn with a loud *thud*.

He pauses for a brief spell to catch his breath, before running full speed toward the large golden gates, he moves with quick strides, hoping they hadn't arrived yet. He halts himself and stumbles as he arrives as his at gate attracting a few stares from some guards, he sighs in relief...he had arrived just in time.

Leonidas hears a loud whistle, he turn his head and spots Thoas waving at him, he responses back with a friendly wave and a smile. He zones out as the memories of todays events of flood his mind, he sighs as he remembers that his father is getting a visit from his (Leonidas's) uncles(Hades and Poseidon). Which of course meant their would be some drama...well more drama than usual that is. Sometimes he felt that his life was like some shitty, low budget soap opera on cable TV.

Leonidas is comforted by the fact that he likes his uncles company, but sometimes they could be a handful. Usually when their were here they might break into a fight, go on a drunken rampage, Ares might try and kidnap him,Poseidon might start saying some uncle jokes and cause some guards to commit suicide again or Hades might 'permanently borrow'(thief) a bunch of Zeus's things, when he wasn't looking.

But even with all of their qualities, Leonidas found them pretty cool. Maybe even cooler than his dad, but he knows the day that he admits this to Zeus...long story short,all of olympus would be thrown into a massive hurricane caused by a certain god of thunder.

Leonidas's mind races to his cousin ' Chaos ', he forgot that his cousin was also going to come today , he smiles knowing that Chaos would be a different story.

Chaos was born on the same day as Leonidas, from a very strange union between Hades and Eris. After he was born his mother named him after the first thing that came to her mind.....'chaos'(probably way too much alcohol in her system). But Chaos is nothing like his parents he has this clique bad boy behavior that irritates and confuses most gods except for Leonidas. He found Chaos to be strangely cool, even if Chaos is a god of death.

The crowd waits by the gates hoping to welcome the trio, Happiness and anxiety are clearly written on their faces. The atmosphere is filled with silence and uncertainty, Until...

" lord Poseidon approaches, Open the gates", Thoas yells breaking the eerie silence, he stand proud and grins in his black and red leather uniform as his red scarf gently flows in the wind . It wasn't hard to tell that he really loved his job.

As he says this the huge gates swing open and the sea king walks in and the gates are quickly shut. The guards bow and return to their duties and kept a notable distance from the fishy king, Leonidas raises an eye brow as wonders why they are doing that.

Leonidas smiles and walks over to his uncle, Poseidon simply stood their waving, he was wearing a red Hawaiian shirt with brown khakis shorts, white flip flop slippers and a large straw hat.