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After an excruciating hour of building , bruises, cuts and...' a lot cursing from Chaos ', Leonidas and Chaos eventually finish reconstructing the door of Hephaestus . Well the reconstructed door was not an exact replica of the old one, it looked like a duck tape covered block with nails randomly sticking out . But it was at least able to block the entrance, they hoped Hephaestus wouldn't notice ( sure he won't  ).

The two Olympians slowly saunter, until they collapse on nearby stools. All the building they did had made them exhausted and sweaty. But they were comforted by the fact that they were getting new weapons. They knew it was only a matter of time, before the crafts god emerges from his forge and give them what they had worked (suffered) for.


Another hour passes....Chaos was now reclining on a red sofa, he smirks as he sees Leonidas frantically rambling around the room.

The young life god was distressed , his was starting to wonder what was taking Hephaestus soo long ! He was starting to consider maybe the fire god had tricked him and stolen the coral, he dreaded at the thought of Chaos been right . But a part of him still believed Hephaestus was innocent, he hoped he would be proved right.

Leonidas stares at the ceiling as his mind starts to drift off , Until.....he hears a sudden * bang * from the busted door. This two boys jolt and run for cover behind and old counter top. Chaos was starting to regret choosing to hide in a house without windows !

" did you Hear that ? ", Leonidas asks Chaos in a silent whisper, Chaos responds with a slow nod, " it could be Ares....maybe you should check it out ".

" The hell I will ", Chaos protests in a firm tone, he wasn't going to play the sacrifice game," if you think I'm going out there, you are as delusional as Hera's marriage life ".

The two Olympians continue to argue among themselves on who is going to open the door, until an idea lights up in Chaos's mind.

" wait....I have an idea, how are about we play a game...of rock, paper, scissors ", Chaos quietly says as one his purple eyes twinkle , Leonidas shoots him a confused expression, " the rule is simply, one match....whoever wins gets to sit back and relax....".

" while, whoever loses...gets murde-I mean gets to open the door ", Leonidas utters completing his cousin's sentence, Chaos answers with a nod, " I like those odds, you have my attention....get ready to lose ".

Chaos mouth widens into a grin, he liked his cousin's cockiness. He knew his cousin was about to eat his words, wasn't going to lose this match. He smiles and stretch out his hand, Leonidas does same.

" 1, 2, 3...rock, paper, scissors ", the duo chant in unison as they bounce their hands , they both place their results on the wooden floor. Leonidas plays paper, while Chaos plays rock.

Chaos moans in defeat as he realizes that he lost, Leonidas cheers and gesture for the loser to do his part. Chaos pouts and grudgingly heads for the door, he really hated his cousin right now.

Leonidas smiles and waves until his cousin disappears from view, he was elated that he didn't lose. He knew if it were Ares at the door, he would have some good minutes to hid, while Chaos would be spending some quality time with Ares's sword.

Leonidas attention breaks when he hears the door swing ( fall ) open , followed by the high pitch screams of a certain hoodie wearing god.