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Writer : All got jealous when they didn't get what they want in their life like imagine you love someone but he\she love another person and that person love him\her back and you are not agree with that relationship between those two lovebirds and you can't see them together like thus kind of something is going to in this chapter :)
Writer's thought : I really did not find anyone because you guys are not commenting so I am add characters by my own selfe you guys comment then only I will add characters according to you without that how can I know your choice so I add free and lean , free loves lui and lean loves shu 😑 😅😅

Back to the story :
Shu in school time 10 min left before class start so shu doing some thing .........

Valt : shuuuuuuuu!!!!

Shu : WHAT happen valt , why are you screaming in school like this , Please calm down .

Valt : okay okay , my fault sorry for it and thanks to drope me home yesterday 😅.

Shu : okay no problem you know valt in Friendship there is no sorry and no thank you , friends .......Friends just forgive and if friends did not help then who will be help , so did you understand.

Valt : ohhhh....yup I get it and this is the not the topic that I am come here for talk actually I come here to - .cut by shu .

Shu : okay you got it , it is good , let me guess you did not do homework and you are gona to ask me , aren't you ?

Valt : Homework ? I forget it 😥but this is also not the topic , the topic is team our team - ..........


Shu : one day this bell kill my dear ears , get lost bell like lost luinor .

Valt : why today everyone cut me down and this is also not the topic I am gona to discuss with you 😞

Shu : valt be cheerup you look good at that mode and sit down because teacher is coming .....

Lui : hello all idiots get out from my way I need to go and sit beside some more idiots .....

Shu : lui behave yourselve and we all are not any kind for idiots here is only one idiot and that is you .

Lui : nobody wants your thinks or advise Kurenai so shut up your stupid mouth

Before shu can say something teacher come in In a very cheerful way but when she see lui then suddenly her face turn to like this 🙄😐🤯😔

Lui : hii hello I am not any ghost that your face turn like this when you look at me . walking towards his seats and sit down .

Teacher : behave yourselve Mr.Shirosagi and I am not turn because that reason I am turn like this because I know which kind of boys is you that is the main reason , so class good morning today is something special is going on , someone guess what is that .

All : good morning !

Lui : team , team work , games , all kind of stupid stuff .

Teacher : sit down all and yes Mr. Shirosagi you are right today's topic is team and stop calling all the things stupid .

Lui : I know it and I say only whatever is true, now I can't say truth also 😒

Shu :'' lui , shut up and sit I want to know about team in'' a calm way '' can you please '' in an annoyed tone

Lui :nobody ask your advise and why I am gona to listen you ash**

Teacher : Keep slience mr. Kurenai and mr. Shirosagi and need to tell every detail to everyone.

Enemy , Friends Or Lovers  [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now