Didn't you love me ?

21 3 1

Word count 874 ___________________________________

Love : a feeling that everyone needs not today but one day you want it but what if there was no one to give it to you how will you feel .

Of course bad but what if you got habbit of it and now you don't want it at any cost but a person whom you can't lost that person start to make to feel so good and you fall for him/her but you scare that the person you fall for didn't love you back but you are wrong that person also think same for you .

(Write : it happen 90% yes and 10% not , I warn you if you love someone so don't take advise from here)

Lets begin :

Now shu , lui , Mr.Kurenai, Mrs. Kurenai and Sora are in a park of sakura trees , this is springs so every tree contains pink patels they look so amazing, they ate food madden by Mrs.kurenai .

Shu : mom you make delicious food .

Sora : yes mom you are great at cooking .

Lui : aunty you are really great on cooking.

Mrs. Kurenai : yes , yes I know how much good am I at cooking nit need to tell and lui how your mother cooked food ?

Lui : actually my mother died when she gave me born and dad had another wife so called my step-mother and maids always cook for me so I don't know .

Mrs.Kurenai : I am so sorry honey .

Lui : it's ok aunty , I didn't even care about my both mother.

Mr.Kurenai : okay now Let's play something .

Sora : yes we will play but only kids not oldies.

Mrs+Mr.Kurenai : WE ARE NOT OLDIES .

Sora , shu and lui run away and mr with mrs. Kurenai start to laugh.

Mr.kurenai : we are not old , right love ?

Mrs.kurenai : of course we are not old !

As shu , sora and lui decided to play 'chase' and the trun is sora' so shu and lui run into a direction they run so far away from there and now they are into a beautyful place srounded with a lot of flower and a river bank is also there as they both get a little tired of running so they sat beside of the river .

Shu : we should go back or mom and dad will get worry.

Lui : yes but after 20 minutes .

Shu : so as you said in message you want to say something to me , right ?

Lui : yes I want to say something to you .

Shu : me too but you say it first .

Lui : actually when I saw you first time at kindergarden I want to be friend with you so I did I never mean to hurt you but I did ''so sorry for it'' after that I think that you will hate me I know I am wrong that why I leave kindergarden after these years we meet then also I think you hate me so I feel shy and guilty to talk but when I heard you forgive me I fell so good I don't know why but after summer camp I feel butterflies in my stomach whenever you touch me look at me and when you kiss me in that drama I start to think about it deeply , I just want to protect you at any cost that's why I came there in your house to save you from your own dad , I .......I just can't live without you .....I can't even think about it and this all happens because........I can't say it .

Shu got emotional as said

Shu : please lui say it ....

Lui take out a beautiful dark red rose from his pocket.

Lui : I rise the rose plant , I plant the seed and let it grow , I take care of it so much and now it is in front of you .

Lui bent down into his knees and continue

Lui : I love you so much shu , will you live with me for forever !

Shu : YES ! YES ! I love you too from that day I saw you and I understand it 3 months ago I love you too lui .

Shu take the rose from Lui's hand and lui make shu closer to him by his wrist and kiss me shu gladly kiss back and after 10 minutes they both pulled away while patting heavily.

They continue to talk and hug and some mire kisses but one thing they both don't know is that is some people is seeing them .

Mr.Kurenai : so my lovely son is in love .

Mrs.Kurenai : I am so glad that shu got a lover like lui who always stay with shu and protect him .

Sora : I got a brother-in-law or sister-in-law Whatever I got a law that' matter .

They are celebrateing it as shu and lui are busy with each other .

To be continued ~


The next chapter will be the last.

I got emotional too when I wrote Lui's word and now I didn't want to end this Story but I have to as I have one more story to continue.
And I know it is short but meaningful , am I right whatever sorry for my mistakes and thanks for support me .

Have a nice day/night.

Good Morning / night / afternoon / evening.

Bye ~

The writer is out ~ 

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