1. Nova

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There are only three things in life that truly matter: god, books and politics And out of these, there are only two things which are comfort zone for me, books and God.

Also Do you know that thing which is both worst and good at the same time?

Having a friend, especially if her name is Julie.

The messy room had empty bottles laid on the ground, waiting for someone to trip over them. There is really loud thumping music, usually the popular stuff of the time mixed with some old classics. As for the people in this crowded area, they looked reminded me of the beer bottles: empty and useless. Some of them are dancing, Others are talking and laughing at what I'm sure are boring topics.


I'm Standing here regretting why I am here. Just because of Julie who is dancing like there is no tomorrow.

Somehow, Julie always convinced me to do things against my better instincts, she once convinced me to drive all the way from DC to San Diego with her just to see his favorite footballer, who is his favorite because she thinks he is hot.In the end our car engine broke down in the middle of the highway and we got stuck there .Thanks to Alina who managed to came there on time otherwise she would have got us stuck there for always.

Julie was the most cogent and sociable person I'd ever met. A good quality for an aspiring singer, but not so much for an innocent friend, i.e. me ofcourse, who wanted to stay out of trouble.

Aleena is now trying to Stop Julie because she drank too much. Aleena is calm and cool different from Julie in every way except she is a social butterfly Because she is a great fashion model and influencer So that's why she is on her phone most of the time but she doesn't use her phone much with us, which I appreciate very much.

But these two are the only people whom I trust and whom I consider mine. They were always there for me no matter what is the situation they never leave my side and never judged me. Suddenly my childhood memories start coming to mind

"Soooryyy mommmm" I said while crying

"Shut up Nova and tell me what is this why you always disappoint me see other childrens how creative they all are they they always take part in science exhibitions math's Olympiad and others activity and look at you Just sitting here and doing this nonsense writing" she scold me

"Butt mom I lov-

"Shut up I don't want to hear what you love or what you don't I Just don't want to hear anything from you" she picked up the scale lying in front of her.

"Give me your hands"she said

"So.soo....sorryyyy mom.." I said while sobbing

"I will not repeat myself again" she said

"But mo-

"Show me your fucking hand Nova!" She yell

I raised my hand and placed it in front of her she picked up the scale and hit my hand very hard I screamed so loudly

"Shut up shut up shut up! I don't know what sin I committed that I got you"

she said while hitting me hard and hard I screamed so loudly, my eyes were swollen from crying.

"You are just like your dad irritating and useless" she hit me one last time and went away, I was sitting there alone crying.
Tears gather in my eyes as I think about my mother and About my past, my parents always fight with eachother and later they used to vent out there anger on me. They never considered me as there daughter and always kept blaming me for everything.

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