2. Adrian

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I've never played well with others.
This is my game, so I will be the one to decide how to play it.

I've never put anyone into my game to be my pawn by myself, They themselves become my pawn and fall into the exact spot on my chessboard where I want them to be.

This is what they are, just a pawn in my game.

In fact, I don't believe in people.
They're idiots, prone to mistakes, and have no clue what the fuck they're doing most of the time.

They're useless, tasteless, and shouldn't pollute the air with their breaths,


"That's all for today"

I checked my watch."oh, it's almost time for my chess game." I don't have any chess games tonight.

"I wish you all the best for your new career. I hope you serve well in the school canteen".

"Sir, please." Devid's voice turn pleading."I have a family, my both sons are going to start collage soon, whatever you want to do with me , do it with me don't drag my family into it."

"But I don't want to do anything with you." I said calmly. "You are the one who creates this situation and I don't give second chance. Also, this is business matter. Nothing personal you also know that."

I have never brought my personal animosity or personal life into my business. Only those can do it who are weak and can't do a simple thing correctly, and I am anything but not weak.


"Don't. Say . My . Name" I said coldly.

"Also I am tired of hearing from you, I am not going to give you any second chance after what mess you have created". I don't like betrayal, I don't like when people do exact those things which I don't like.

"Please, give me one Last chance I will never do that again" David say while not making eye contact with me.

"Good night, David." I said before he could make another plea for mercy.

Carson Enterprises was a real estate development company, but in just five years, it'd be so much more. Telecommunications,e-commerce,
finance, energy. Stefan was a small fish in the finance industry, but it was a stepping stone toward my bigger ambitions, he was also the Pawn in my game.

Besides, devid was an asshole. I knew for a fact that he'd do somthing silly but , he'd not only do somthing silly but he betrayed me and transferred our personal informations with Stefan.

That asshole,

My blood boiled after thinking that someone betrayed me , I was on my way to my office door before I said.

"you know what devid"
I said without turning towards devid "I will send you flight tickets to oia , also I will Book tickets for your family also." I said in a cheerful voice.

And people say I don't know about sympathy.
While I am booking tickets for his family also.

"But sir, oia is a very small city what I will do there."

"I don't know what you will do or what not I just don't want to see you in this City or in this country, And if I heard from someone that you are still here after I told you not to" I said and turned towards him and said in a cold voice." Than I will have no regrets to kill you".

His eyes widened but he still didn't make eye contact with me.

Good for him,

No one make direct eye contact with me people don't have that much audacity to look me Direct into eyes, except that one girl from last night....

Nova Madden

I only met her once at the art exhibition, and in my twenty eight years of life I Never thought about any women the way I thought about her.

I remember those blue eyes and Her hair was a weakness of mine: ash brown, wavy, and long enough I could wrap it around my fist twice. The thought had flitted through my mind unwillingly.


In the club I saw her when she was dancing with two of her friends laughing and enjoying with them. I wondered if it was a real laugh or a fake laugh, because most of the people are fake.

Knowing Nova, her laugh was real.
Poor girl. The world would eat her alive once with that much sweetness.

Not my problem.

The Sweet girl was sweet to everyone but me. I could have laughed, if for reasons unknown to me, it didn't piss me off. It was the first time since I'd become the CEO of Carson Enterprises that anyone had blatantly disrespected me. Maybe it was david just now but I don't care about that fuker, and I wanted nova to know that I didn't care for her much either.

I left my office and that fuker alone inside and walked outside the office.

"Yo bro." James appear beside me, hair tousled and his mouth stretched into a wide grin." I hope you didn't miss me, actually I've been..... busy ."

"I saw." I arched an eyebrow at the lipstick print on his shirt.

"Hahaha ...you know how much I am famous amongst female population" he said with a wide grin.

I Shake my head and walk towards my mc laren.

James and I have always been the closest.No matter how he gets on my last nerves, but he always has my back, and I have his, but I'll never admit that to the fucker or he'll record it and won't let me live in peace.

"Hey dude." James appears from behind. "Wanna have some drinks at my place".

"Not today, I am busy." I said while opening my car door.

"You are so boring, Don't say later that I didn't call you when I will send you photos of me enjoying there." He said in a cheerful voice.

Sometimes I doubt that he is really a famous singer.

"Than I am blocking you" I said.

"What the fuck, now you are blocking me. Who will translate your thoughts without you having to speak."

"I can do it myself." I said.

"Whattt... don't say that you find another best friend." he says in his overdramatic voice. "And here I thought I was your favorite. Now I also need to go find me Another friend. I'll take candidates starting now. No pushing, I can't accept everyone."

"Shut up James"

"What? I'm wounded."

He is such a dramaqueen,

"Don't you have a party tonight?" I said while pressing my fingers to my temple. Dealing with James was like dealing with a child.

"Ohh yes!!!, I forgot about that." He said while Jogging toward his car. "And we will continue this topic tomorrow." He yelled from behind.

I Shake my head and start the car engine.

After I left the office , I went straight home and poured myself a glass of Macallan.

I finished my first glass and poured myself a second one. I didn't touch my erection. Instead, I sat in my living room and leaned my head back against the couch, listening to the silence, I close my eyes and two pairs of blue eyes appears in my thoughts unwillingly .


I open my eyes and tossed back the rest of my drink and savored the burn of whiskey sliding down my throat.

In that moment, it was the only thing keeping me warm.

Then I prepared a mind map for my tomorrow's plan.

But, first I have to remove these unwilling thoughts out of my mind .

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