chapter 23

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Hey guys! first a quick authors note! i'm really sorry i haven't updated since december 2014! i just didn't have any time to go on with this story :( but i almost have a 2 months vacation so i will have lots of time to write this story! but yeah here you go with chapter 23! enjoy!

Louise's pov:

when i looked at the caller ID i noticed it was an anonymous caller so i just picked it up.

"Hello it's Louise you're speaking with, who is this?" i asked curious.

"hey Louise it's Louise Teasdale you know the boys stylist? i have a question for you." i must admit i was a little shocked when she said who she was!

"oh hi Lou! how are you? what's your question?"

"i'm great thanks for asking! well i heard from Harry that you were still searching a new job and with the tour ahead i really could some help with the styling of the boys. so i wondered if you would like to be my co-stylist?"

wow i really didn't see this one coming!

"uh yeah of course! i totally would love that! omg thank you so much Lou!!"

"You're welcome girl! i will see you tomorrow at 9 am?" she asked me

"yeah of course! see you tomorrow Lou thanks again!"

and after that she hung up i saw the girls looking at me with a questioning look on their faces wondering why i looked so happy so suddenly.

"hey what made you so happy?" they both asked me

"well i got a call from Lou offering me a job as her co-assisntent, so i'm pretty happy actually!" i told them with the biggest smile i had in a long time

"wow! we're so happy for you!" they both screamed.

after texting Sarah and the boys about the good news and a bit more talking to the girls i walked to the mall for a bit of clothes shopping.

once i was done shopping i decided to stop by starbucks again to order my usual drink a latte machiatto caramel and just ended up ordering two of them one for me and one for Harry to because he texted me that he would be home by four and it was already 10 minutes before four. just on time i thought!

when i got home i noticed that Harry's car was already parked in front which meant he was home. when i entered the house it looked actually empty so i decided to go into the kitchen to put my purse away and put the coffees on the table.

when i entered the kitchen i saw Harry searching something to eat in the fridge. when he heard me enter the kitchen he turned around and smiled widely at me.

"hey sunshine how was your day?" he asked me while giving me a kiss

"it was pretty good what about your's? how was rehearsing?"

"it was great, i think we're ready for the new tour! so you got the job from Lou? i'm so happy for you babe!" he said while hugging me

"yeah i did i'm pretty happy to! oh yeah before i forget i got you a coffee! it's your favorite!" i said and handed him his coffee

"thanks hun, you do know we leave in 2 days on tour do you?"

"yeah i know that's why i meet Lou tomorrow at 9am to discuss everything"

we just talked a bit more until the other boys came home and we decided to go out to get some dinner. of course we went to Nandos and got home pretty late so we went straight to bed.

2 days later (little time jump)

today was the day! we we're leaving on a new tour and we we're totally excited! when we woke up we ate breakfast and i made a quick call to Sarah because she asked me to. i really was going to miss her but Harry promised that i could send her a vip ticket to attend one off the shows so i would see her sometimes. which i was really happy about!

when we entered the airport there were a lot of security guards to make sure we got on the plane safe which we off course did. our first destination you ask?

America here we come!!


so here it is finally after a long wait! hope you enjoy it?

oh yeah i also saw the boys in Brussels yesterday and the concert was just amazing!! they sang no control and 18 for the first time live and it was so pretty!! i just loved it!

Lots Of Love .xx 

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