part 13

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Sarah's pov:

"well uhm.." niall  said and i was getting a bit scared

"Niall could you please tell it to me i'm really getting a bit scared" I said while i'm getting nervous

"ow okay i'm sorry i didn't mean to scarry you i actually hope i'm going to make you happy with what i'm going to tell you" he said also pretty nervous

"okay here i go i guess.. wel euhm Sarah you need to know that Louise and the other girls are right about what they told you earlier today" Niall said and i was getting quite confused

"huh Niall what do you mean? i don't get it" i said to him

"well you know the girls told you they taught i actually liked you like al lot? Well uhm they're actually right about that i do like you, like a lot but i didn't have the strength to tell you this until now. now you probably wonder how i know about your conversation with the girls? well Louise came to me in Nandos while you were gone for a while and talked to me about it and that i needed to tell you all this. But i was so scared to tell you this and i actually don't know why.."Niall said with a little smile to me

at this moment i was frozen i really couldn't get out anything. Niall just told me he liked me and i'm pretty sure i like him to but i mean we leave like in 2 days how is all this going to work out?

"Sarah? please say something.." Niall asked me scared

"Niall..I..I really like you to but i'm leaving in like 2 days how are we going to work all this thing out i mean it's not like i'm going to see you that much" I said

" i swear i will do everything to skype or at least call you twice a day but i really want to try.. i really love you Sarah" he said and his smiles got wider and wider

"Okay let's do this then why not trying? i mean if we love each other we have to try it!" i said and with that Niall just kissed me, just out of nowhere he kissed me and i think by this time i can call him actually my boyfriend,, my Irish boyfriend that ate my heart.

as we pulled apart from that amazing kiss my cheeks were a massive red and his too and he looked so cute when he blushes

"i love you Sarah" he whispered in my ear and i shivered lightly

" i love you to Niall" i said as i hugged him tight

"Let's go back to the others okay?" he asked and i just nodded

when we got back in the living room everyone cheered at us, how could they already know it from Niall and me  i mean c'mon it happend 1 minute ago..

"how do you guys know it already?" i asked them with happy smile all over my face

"Niall tweeted you 2 were together" Harry said and i looked over to Niall who was smiling

"sorry i'm just to happy and don't listen to the haters just ignore them okay? and just the same with the paps" He said now looking verry serious

"okay i will do that special for you" i said to him and then his cute smile came back on his face

"okay now we should do something fun don't you think?" elina asked

"okay what would you like to do?" Liam asked

"we could watch a movie all together? and maybe Harry and Louise could look for some food, Niall and Sarah could search for some drinks and the rest of us could pick out a couple of movies?" Elina suggested and we all noded in agreement


so what do you think? hope you all love it trying to update as soon as possible comment what you think about my story

Lots Of Love .xx

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