part 9

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Eva's pov:

when Louise asked me how we got here i immedialety look over to Harry and said " wel uhm.." i really didn't know if i may say it from Harry

as i lookt to Harry he nods that i can say how we got here...

Louise's pov:

"eughm Eva are you going to tell me or not?" i asked because i really wanna know how they got here i mean how did they pay everything and stuff...

" well eughm,, actually 2 days ago i got a tekst from Harry if we would like it to come over as a suprise for you. I asked it to the rest off te girls and then sended him a tekst back that we would love to come but that we couldn't pay all those stuff.. then i got a tekst that he would pay everything for all 3 of us the hotel and really everything." Eva says as i was suprised what she just said

why would Harry do this for me? i think i'm going to take him away from the others for a secand ask him about it because i also need to tell him about my dad today

" Hey Harry can i talk to you somewhere in private please?" i asked him

" yeah sure come with me let's go to my room" he say as i follow him into his room

we we're sitting on his bed looking to each other

" well whatwould you like to talk about with me?" Harry asked me

" well i wanted to ask you why did you spend all that money to me for bringing my friends over here?" i asked

"aren't you happy with it?" he asked with a worried expression on his face

"No, no i really love it! i couldn't thank you more! but i was just wondering why?"

"well because i know how much you missed your best friends and i don't like to see your sad because i actually think i'm liking you and not like just friend liking but actually like you a lot.." He says a little shy

" omg Harry that's just to sweet seriously! and do you mean you love me..?" i asked him nervous

" well actually i do, i really do since the first day i met you i really liked you a lot! hope i didn't scaredyou?" He asked

" no you didn't scared me at all! i actually love you to like a lot!" i said shyly feelingmy cheeks running red

"Louise i just have one important question for you.."

"Yeah..??" i asked nervous

" will you please be my girlfriend?" he asked really nervous

" omg yes ofcourse i will!!" i shouted and hugged him immediately

" I Love You  so much!" he said as happy he could be and hugged me back

" i love you to Harry! But remember i still need to tell you something from yesterday evening when u texted me?" i asked nervous because i rememberd i still needed to tell him about my dad

" yes ofcourse i do what was wrong yesterday?" he asked a little worried

well i guess it's time to tell him..

"well since my mom past away 5 years ago my dad starded to abuse me, everytime i said something he didn't liked he began to hit me and kick me and all that stuff then when i was sixteen years old i needed to stop with school so i could run the business from him  and till these days he still kicks and hit me that's why i said i wasn't good yesterday because i was to late home and he kicked me an screamed to me that he didn't care about me at all and if somebody want's me that he would immediately say yes so i was gone from him.." i let out a litlle cry because i began to think about all the pain he gives me

" omg love, why didn't you told me that immediately? i  will be right back stay here okay?" Harry said and i nodded as he left the room

15 minutes later

" sorry it taked that long but i have some good news for you!" harry said with a big smile on his face

" what is the good news?" i asked pretty nervous right now

" well i told the boys everything.. and they immediately wanted to take you in the house with us so i called your dad and asked if you may life with us from now and never go back to him and he immediately said yes so we both called to our layor and if you're okay with it you life with the boys and me from now on.." Harry said and i immediately smiled like crazy

"omg yes! i would love thank you so much Harry for everything!" i run to him and hugged him

" you're welcome my love" he said with a huge smile on his face

before i released him from my arms i decided to kiss him, as his lips touch mine i feeled he was shocked by my action but then i feeled him smile between the kiss


sorry guys for my bad English!! hope you like the story for so far please comment what you think about my story! try to update soon :)

Lots Of Love .xx

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