part 14

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louise's pov:

"hey Harry what should we make for them?" is asked Harry as we entered the kitchen

"we could make some popcorn?" he suggested

"What's that with you and your popcorn? you really love that don't you?" i asked him

"Yes i do but not as much as i love you!" Harry said as he attackted me in the kitchen

"oh Harry that's so sweet! i love you to hun! but seriously i think we could also make some nacho's with cheese if you want to" i asked him

" yeah that's good for me as long as i have my popcorn" he said with a wild smile on his face

" okay let's get started then" i said to him as we start

after 10 minutes the Nancho's and popcorn we're ready and we decided to go back to the others

"so Louise what did you and Harry make? because i'm starving!" Sarah said as we entered with 2 big bowls of popcorn and 2  big plates with Nacho's

"we made some sweet popcorn and some Nancho's with cheese" Harry said as he looked to me with a wonderfull smile

"omg come here with that food!" Niall screamed and it made me jump a litlle

"okay, okay calm down Nialler" Harry said and everyone laughed

"so wich movie are we going to watch?" i asked to louis

" we picked out about 3 movies, the first one is Ted because that movie is hilarious! then the second one is a hounted house and the third one is toy story3 because Liam asked for that" Louis said as het put in the first movie

"okay sounds great to me" i said as i sit down next to Harry who  sitting next to Niall and Sarah

as the movie is playing everyone is laughing and when i look over to Niall and Sarah i see them cuddling and i think it's really cute, i wonder what Niall told her when they went to his bedroom maybe they are togheter? i think i'm gonna ask Sarah after the movies

i'm getting a bit cold so i cuddle deeper into Harry's chest and he looks down at me with a smile and i just smile back to him as we watch the movie again

6 houres later

"guys this was such an amazing movie night! we should definitely do this again!" Eva said and we all noded in agreement

" yeah you're right but now i think i'm going to sleep i'm pretty tired" Elina said as she went to the room

"Yeah me to" we all said and just like everyone was ready to go to their rooms Sarah was about to speak

"hey guys could you all wait for a sec Niall and i need to tell you something" She said as she looked to Niall

"yeah sure what's wrong?" zayn asked

"Well uhm when Sarah and i went to my room i told her everything i told the boys and i was Lucky she liked me back and now we are togheter" Niall said with such a big smile

" i knew it!!!" i shouted out of nowhere and everyone looked weird at me

"How could you already knew it if we didn't told you anything?" Sarah asked

"Wel i saw you and Niall cuddling while the  movie was playing and i knew there was something going on between you guys and i'm just so happy for you guys!" i said as i hugged her and Niall

"thank you!" Niall and Sarah said as we release from the hug

"Group hug!!!!" Louis shouted and everyone came closer and started to hug us

"Damm you Louis you will pay for that later!" i said while i was trying to look angry to him but i failed

"okay but now i'm going to sleep, sleep tight everyone!!" he said as he was going to his room and closed the door behind him

"yeah we're going to sleep to bye guys!" Harry said as he taked me to his bedroom and closed the door behind  him

as we lay in the bed he cuddled closer to me an hugged me from behind

"so this was one of an amzing evening don't you think so?" he asked me

"yeah it was absolutely amazing i really love everyone of the guys and of course the girls to" i said as i turn around so i could face him

"i really like your friends to they're amazing and sweet girls and i think i'm really gonna miss them if they need to go back to Belgium" Harry said and i saw in his eyes he really looked a little bit said when he said it

"i'm gonna miss them too but without you they wouldn't even be here so i really own you for this. thank you so much for doing all this for me Harry, I love you so much!" i said and i saw his mood changing

" but we could Always Skype with them every day if you would, and you know i will do everything to make you happy babe and i love you to the moon and back!" he said with his green eyes sparkling and his cute dimple smile

"thank you love! but now i think we need some sleep don't you think? tomorrow will be a busy day for all of us"

yeah you're right sweet dreams babe, Love you" he said as he kissed me

"sweet dreams Harry, love you to" i said asi hugged him tight and kissed him once again before i drifted into a deep sleep


well guys i think this actually is a long chapter, correct me if i'm wrong :) hope you like it please vote and comment :)

Lots Of Love .xx

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