Chapter -32

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(After 2 months)

(Author's POV)

It's been two months since Payu came back.. Rain moved to another room and gave Payu's room back to him...
Everyone started their normal day as always... Payu started helping Sun and the others with the family business... He tried his best to spend some alone time with Rain but he couldn't because Rain used to go to work at the hospital from morning to evening and after his work he spent his time with all the family members... It was like Payu was there but he was not... Just like any other day everyone comes back from work and is in the living room talking.....

Sun: Actually I wanted to talk to you all about something....

Everyone looked at Sun... Ready to hear her...

Sun: Since Payu is back... I think it's time for me to give his position back to him...
Payu: What are you talking About?
Sun: You are the right heir of the clan... It's your right to be the leader... I don't want you to think that I took your right from you...
Vegas: Sun... You are our daughter and you have the same right as him in everything in this family.... If you think he deserves it... We will respect your decision....
Sun: You can decide Venice...
Pete: We respect both of your decision...
Kinn: The decision is yours Venice....

Everyone looked at Payu to hear him...

Payu: I may be the heir but you have every right to lead the clan Sun... I don't think I deserve this position.... Being a leader means that I have to protect my people... But I... I was not there.... I was a coward who chose to ran away.... But you were always here to protect them and lead them.... So you deserve this position more than me.... I mean it Sun..

Sun nodded at him... Everyone was proud and happy hearing Payu...

Pete: I'm proud of you Son... And I am proud to have you as my daughter Sun...
Payu: I love you Pa...
Sun: Me too...

They all smiled at them... Just then Tor and Rain came with a cake box in the hand...

Kim: Is that a cake?
Rain: Yes...
Aky: What's the occasion for cake?
Kay: Is it someone's birthday?
Tor: You will know soon... Wait for it...
Rain: P'Pai... P'Sun... Come and sit in front of the table together....

Sun and Pai looked at each other confused....

Pai: Us?
Tor: Yes you guys.... come on now.....

Rain place the cake box and Pai and Sun sat in front of it... Others surrounded them curiously....

Sun: Are you guys trying to prank us?
Pai: Is it going to blast when I open it?

They looked at them with horror.... Because they know that they are pranksters... They have fell for it in the past and they are afraid to experience it again....

Tor: Trust me it's not a prank....
Rain: And about the blast...?

Rain smirked at them... They looked at him confused...

Rain:It will give you a blast for sure... Now open it...
Pai: Let's just see....

Pai and Sun opened the box... They both looked at the cake confused but after a few seconds they froze... Everyone looked at them confused because of the reaction.....

Pai: Is it true? You are not messing with us right?

Pai asked them still not taking his eyes off the cake....

Tor: Do you think we will lie about something like this?
Kinn: What's happening?
Khun: What's in the box?

Before they could take a look at it... Pai suddenly got up and hugged Sky... He stared crying....

Sky: P'Pai... Why are you crying?
Pai: I.... I.... I'm just... So.. happy baby.... I'm so... happy... That.... I'm crying.... I love you Sky.... Thank you....Thank you for... Making me complete..... Thank you for giving me such a precious gift... I love you...
Porsche: Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on in here?

Pai looked at Porche and hugged him....

Pai: Pa... You are going to be a grandfather....

Everyone froze.... They couldn't believe their ears...

Kinn: Pai.... What did you just say?
Pai: I said you all going to be grandparents....

They all looked at each other with tear in their eyes... They looked at the cake... There was a writing on top of it.. "Meet you soon, Dad Pai and Dad Sun, Wait a few months for your babies Dads" Everyone was happy they hugged Sky and Paris and congratulated them....

Paris: P'Sun....

Everyone looked at Paris who was looking at Sun with tears.... Sun was still there sitting and staring at the cake... She hasn't moved a muscle since they opened the box.... Sun looked up at Paris with tear filled eyes like she was in a daze...

Kay: Sun... You okay?
Sun: I.... I don't know.... I can't tell.... I can't tell what I am feeling....

Sun got up and stood in front of Paris...

Sun: I thought it would just be me in my whole life but then I got my brother... We only had each other and I never thought of falling for someone in my life and I met you... You made me feel things that I never dreamed to have.... I was so happy that I got such a great person in my life.... I am proud to call you mine.... Because of you I got a family.... I hated the fact called family but you brought me here and made me lose myself to them... In their love... I never thought I'll have such a loving family.... The day I married you.... I felt like I was the happiest person in this world and nothing can make me more happy.... But now... I can't describe my feelings....I can't tell how happy I am with my words... I really can't tell what I am feeling.... But I thing I know is... I love you... I love you Paris... My baby.... And thank you.... Thank you for accepting a person like me and giving me this love and happiness.... Thank you for giving the best gift I could ever ask for... Thank you for carrying our child baby.... I love you....

Paris was crying hearing Sun's words... Everyone has tears hearing Sun's love confession... Sun pulled Paris closer gently and kissed her lips.... She then knelt down and kissed her belly....

Sun: Your daddy and Mommy are waiting for you love.... Your daddy will take care of you and your Mommy... I love you baby....

Sun got up and hugged Paris.... Everyone was happy to know that they were going to have new members in the family....

(Later at night)

Sun was leaning on her bike when Vegas and Rain came... The three of them got on their bike and left the Mansion... The went for a ride on their bikes for quite some time and then they went to the park.... The park where Vegas and Rain first met... Now it has become the place for three of them... They all sat at the beach in the park... Sun and Rain sat on both sides of Vegas... Sun leaned on Vegas shoulder and held his right hand in his so did Rain...

Sun: Dad... Rain... Do you guys think that I can be a good Parent? I never had one... So I don't know what to or how to do something for them....
Vegas: I know how it feels Sun... and I also know that you will be a good Parent Sun... When we had Venice... I thought the same... I asked the same question to myself.... And Pete told me I will be a great father... And here I am... I first had two now I have four....

Vegas kissed both of their forehead... They smiled at him.....

Sun: Thanks Dad.... I hope I can be a great father like you....
Rain: You want to be a father?
Sun: Yeh... I like it... I'll be the daddy and my baby Paris will be the Mommy... I like it when Paris calls me daddy... And I know It will be double when our baby will call me Dad...

Vegas and Rain chuckled....

Rain: Seems like everyone in the family has the daddy kink....
Vegas: It runs in the family....

They all laughed and spent some more time there and then went back home...

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