Chapter 40 Please! Why ?

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" Hey Suni, let's be friends what do you think?" Your, still a meanie! "You ,will not talk to her that way Suni!" She, made you take your clothes off!" She ,didn't make ,me do anything apologize to her!

I'm ,telling Grandfather! " He, already knows he was in the crowd!"  Mosu, you have alot of jealous fangirls!  He chuckled.
" What, did you do before you met Jyuu?"

Well, Daddy and I lived in the forest, we train every day and, stay away from people mostly because, they don't like me all that much! " But, you are so much fun?" When you don't try to kiss ass ,fitting in the popular crowd then ,you have to deal with assholes! he nods.

" Not, when we are around our mate will not!" I smile... That's sweet of you! "Let's all sit ,my servants will bring the meal!"  I need to brew this tea! " Yes, take him to make her tea!" The male servant nods.

Jessica, how did you fall at the cliffs that day? " Amy, maybe now isn't the best time to answer that!"
Why? " Because your three female friends, pushed her over and then I jumped after to help!" Noel!

" She deserves to know mate!" Yeah, but I am going to give them the chance ,to prove there apology was genuine! Not,that I trust them yet!

Jess, I'm so sorry! " What, happened before that?" Jax,you remember I went fishing? He nods " They came out ,and told me to stay away from Danny I ,saw Noel across the lake at the incline, then came back a cooked burgers!"

I remember Jessica! "Well ,then Jax when I left on a walk ,Danny came over to talk , I was going to ignore him and walk ahead the Nixie , Nala, and Jennifer follow him out ,Nixie said  " Leave the recluse alone!" And they pushed me over after I told him ,she said to leave him alone!"

You know I stayed away alot, and I missed spending time as friends with you two ,but at the time I had to do what what was right!  " Why didn't you tell me?" Amy, your friends with them too it would be like me, pitting you against each other! She began to cry.

Don't cry Amy, I was dead but I am alive there's no sense, holding onto things like that it's like a wound that festers so for you, I'll try to be friends with them ,and for myself I'll try to forgive them!

" Drink this Jessica!" Thank you Harvey! He ,sat and hugged me curling, his tail around my waist as I sip it .

Seth growls " Where ,are those three females?" Seth, will you promise me first ,you won't hurt them or their mates?

" No, I will scare them !" But ,you won't take them right? " No!"  I gently hug him, another pair of arms hug my back I look up Mosu hugged me too.

Just wait,and we will see them tomorrow!  Just about then several male ,and female servants came in with the platters and served each of us. A female cut her eyes at me, and pours my drink pretending to trip she fell on me , my food went everywhere.

" Marybelle, are you alright?" Seth ran to her ,Mosu also helped her .
Oh, Miss I apologize about your dress but the dressmaker is ill! "No, problem I'll just take it off!" What? The male butler said blushing.

I stood taking it off " I am wearing my bra ,and underwear which is basically, a two piece swim suit there's no problem!" I look back at Marybelle, who is angry she didn't get the best of me.

I did notice ,how they ran to her first but they just met me so... " Marybelle, go get your dress changed at least you have another, I'll just stay in what I have on! " You, you, JUST LEAVE YOU AWFUL BITCH!" I look at Beast God ,who read my actions already  " Excuse me!"

Marybelle, what has gotten into you? "Seth you are mine!" No, I am your friend, and that's all! "Liar, you kissed me at the festival!"

I ,had excused myself but, couldn't help but hear them I was just at the pond " Let's eat my beauty!" I nod ... Maybe, we should go back first! " No, don't please!" Seth, Mosu ! " Why?"

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